Chapter 18

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We cheer when we see Yang in the final list, I notice Pyrrha looking distracted while the crowd makes noise. When eventually we see the first combination I frown when I see Mercury Black chosen to fight with Yang.

"Is something wrong, Zari?" Weiss asks me.

I nod and I reply, "Did I ask you to not trust Black and his friends?"

Ruby turns around cocking her head and she answers, "Yeah, you did. Once they tried to ask for the double rounds, but we said we had to still decide. We never tried to do anything with them."

I sigh relieved. "That's good, but I have a bad feeling. My team does too."

Blake furrows her eyebrows, worried for her partner. "Do you have any idea?"

I try looking around but I can't find his teammates... or well, I find the leader, but half of her team is missing. "Two of them are not here to watch their teammate, curious. I'm going to tell Glynda and my team." I get my scroll and I text them. "I just hope I am being paranoid," I mumble. I look up and then I see his leader walking away. "And there goes my hope, why would they not want to see their teammate? Something is clearly wrong."

The girls look at me, concerned, but then Ruby turns around and smiles at her sister. "Break a leg, sis!"

The other finalists leave the stage while they stand at the center.

"3... 2... 1... Fight!"

And with that they start their match. Yang lands good hits on him and manages to even throw him off the edge, but he gets back in time thanks to the guns he has on his legs? Alright, I am confused, oh well.

Once he lands back in, he goes on the offensive and lands a few kicks on Yang and at last he does is final attack, she tries to stop him but he kicks her back and when she lands the projectiles hit her, I feel the need to bite my nails as a big dust cloud covers the place where Yang was.

Suddenly she burns the area around her and she jumps on Black landing heavy hits on him until she breaks his aura, her teammates cheer wildly at this and I manage a small smile clapping my hands.

"What a way to kick off the finals!" Port exclaims.

"Yang Xiao Long wins!" Oobleck continues.

"Yeah! Way to go sis!"

"Way to go, Yang!"

I sigh heavily and I mumble, "It was too easy."

The girls look at me and Ruby asks, "Why? They fought well."

I nod. "They did, but did he really make the same mistakes he did in Goodwitch's class against Pyrrha? Overrestimating his abilities and underestimating his opponent? If that's the case-" I raise my gaze in time to see Yang breaking his leg. "Well, fuck." I stand up as the first Knights run on stage and suddenly Black's partner shows up, I look down on Yang's teammates and I place my hands on Ruby and Weiss's shoulders. "Girls, I think we should go.'' The first paramedics show up and they drag him away.

"Professor, do you think-"

I interrupt Nora, "No, this was NOT an accident. And no, I am not placing any blame on Yang." I watch the three girls walking away and then I add, "I'll talk to you later, alright?" they nod and I quickly make my way out of the stadium.

On my way to my dorm Glynda tells me to go in the city for a Grimm problem and I sigh exasperated. Just our luck. I look up to their window and I look down before I turn around and I start jogging away.

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now