Chapter 17

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The crowd cheers when Penny beats single handedly her two opponents, I wince when I see them getting buried under those boulders, but after the fight I have to take my leave since Robyn is calling, so as I walk in an empty hall I accept the call.

"Hello Robyn, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I heard from parents-to-be how your talk went, do you need someone to vent to? I have some time."

I smile and I ask, "They told you? Are you as excited as I am?" Then I hear Port calling for the next match and I calm down, after a sigh I say, "And also, I do not have much time, soon Weiss will get on the ring. But I appreciate it, Robyn."

"No problem, anything for my favourite partner."

I snort and I say, "I was your only partner, idiot."

"Eeeh, I do not know about that, I admit that Marigold was quite... alluring back in the day."

I scrunch my nose and I ask, "Please, don't tell me you were actually crushing on him."

After a beat of silence she answers, "It's actually her, and she goes by May, so if you could... She's also here with me."

I let it sink in after a beat I say, "Oh, Sorry. May, you said? I didn't know."

A new voice enters the conversation. "That's fine. And don't worry, I no longer associate with them anymore."

"I bet, now I'm looking up to next time we see each other. Maybe we could start over?" I rub my neck and sheepishly I say, "I admit that I wasn't the nicest back at school. And after that I kind of dissappeared."

"I wouldn't mind, but I think that the military will. Don't look at me like that, babe."

I sigh and I reply, "I don't know about that. Winter told me that any lead she found was a dead end, so maybe they won't try to do anything if I come back in the future."

Robyn cuts in, "Anyway, we all are seeing the tournament. The girls nearly deafened me when you won the opening show. How's the chest?"

"Bless the existence of aura. Today I am completely fine." I look at the hour and I say, "Now excuse me, but I want to get back to my seat before Weiss thinks I'm mad for yesterday."

"Alright, talk to you soon, Kitten."

I bid them goodbye and then I jog back to my seat, Ruby and Blake are still in their seats while Weiss and Yang are on the ring talking. I glance at their teammates and I ask, "Who are their opponents?"

"Two students from Atlas, we don't really know much," Blake answers.

"What should we expect from them?" Ruby asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, it can be a military style type of combat or a... different one. Look at me, team BRNZ isn't exactly the poster child for Atlas Academy. The Ace Ops on the other hand..."

"Ace Ops?" Ruby looks at me curiously.

I ruffle her hair and I answer, "They are top graduates from the Academy. Robyn was offered a place in them, but we never got along with the army, nor its rules. So she went and did her thing to help Mantle." my answer seems to placate Ruby's questioning, who turns around and watches her teammates.

Weiss sees us and I smile throwing a thumb up. You can do it.

The next ten minutes are the worst of my life as I see Weiss working really hard to even step close to the guy, but I think I was going to die when I saw her throwing herself and the guy in the geyser, Ruby appears to be in the same condition, clinging to her seat, but at least they manage to win the round.

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now