Chapter 10

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I wake up and I sigh relieved when I don't feel anything hurting, I smile and I go on with my morning routine. Thankfully it's Saturday so everyone's free, thinking back to what happened yesterday I remember the meeting I should go to, I sigh walking out of the door.

I look at Glynda and then at the headmasters faces, Ironwood doesn't seem all that happy with my discoverings.

"Why would taking back the army be better with the Tournament looming over us?" he asks me.

I scoff and I say, "Not all of it, just the robot ones and call your human soldiers if you really have our protection high on your priorities. And I already told you why, General."

He shakes his head. "I can't. What would the public think if they saw ships flying away with brand new Knights already tested and approved? And what about our enemies?"

I look at Ozpin and he nods, I asked him before my former headmaster came in. "You could say that there was an emergency back at the Academy or something, so you go back with the androids, while at the same time you call here your human soldiers and watch over the borders. Who knows what lurks in the shadows of the forest?"

Ironwood raises an eyebrow and after a moment he frowns even more deeply. "Do you really think that everything you said could happen? Did someone get in the tower?"

Ozpin shakes his head. "Not yet, James, but I am keeping an eye on it." He shows his screen where a bunch of cameras are looking inside the tower.

"Tell me, have you got any idea of what our enemies are scheming?"

I furrow my eyebrows and I focus, meanwhile Glynda says, "Without a doubt, if they gain control of your Knights 200, they would have the advantage of numbers and in a way surprise. They would be more of a burden for us."

"And if normal people saw them turning on us, they would panic..." I look up realizing what that would mean. "They want to overwhelm us, with the White Fang, the rogue Knights and the Grimm." a heavy silence falls on us, I look at Glynda and she's looking out of the windows.

"What should we do, then?"

I look at the General, almost pleadingly.

"No, I won't pull any Knight but I can call more human soldiers, and I'll reinforce border security," Ironwood says, turning around and walking to the elevator under my shocked gaze.

"James." Ozpin calls him, the General stops and turns his head. "At least don't let Penny compete."

I frown and I ask, "Who's Penny?" Weiss mentioned her once. Why should she...

Ironwood sighs. "I can't do that, she's already admitted to the Tournament."

He walks in the elevator and pushes a button, when he's out of sight I turn to Ozpin. "Why should this Penny girl go back to Atlas?"

"Because she's not like other girls," Glynda answers. "She's an AI."

I frown. "Really?"

They nod. "And it seems our lovely team RWBY already knows it." Ozpin shows me a picture of Rose and Weiss with Penny, they are in front of the CCT tower.

I nod, then I grab my scroll. "I'm calling my teammates, I doubt Hill can come, but Antoniou and Steele will answer."

"That seems reasonable enough. Thank you Nerys, you're dismissed."

I bow at Ozpin and then I smile at Glynda on my way out.

As I am walking to Glynda's classroom I find my teammates' contacts and I start a group call, after a few rings Robyn's the first to answer. "What the hell is wrong with you, do you know what time's in Atlas?"

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now