Chapter 12

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The following morning I am greeted by an annoying vibration, I turn off the alarm and I start to prepare for the day.

I just finish the last lesson when I check my scroll, I read that my friends want to train in the city for the day and possibly night since they found the perfect spot, but I stop dead in my tracks as I see a new text from a certain Special Operative.

SO. W.S.: [Why did you lie to Weiss?]

I sigh and I start to make my way to my room, trying to ignore her. A minute or so later my scroll buzzes again.

SO. W.S.: [I know you read it, why did you tell her you blocked me when it's not true?]

I groan and I answer.

Me: [She doesn't need to know that, okay? And I didn't block you because if need arises you are the only one she trusts outside of Beacon. So don't think you are in the clear with me.]

Suddenly she starts a call, it startles me enough I almost drop the scroll, I hesitate but then I sigh accepting it. "What do you want, Schnee?"

"I... I'm sorry."

I scoff and I mumble, "That's a start. But for what?"

"For... not giving you the benefit of the doubt."

I stop again and I almost shout, "Are you serious?!" I notice I startled team CFVY, just as they are passing by, Adel and Scarlatina look at me concerned but I wave them off as I resume my walking.

"Yes, I am, because even if nothing was blatantly tied to you, there was nothing that corroborated your story! I've been looking into your case in my spare free time, but nothing cleared you of that accusation!"

I keep myself from exploding again and I take a few deep breaths before I ask, calmly, "So, you've been looking in my case?"

"Yes, I...I made a mistake and I wanted to do something useful instead of believing all those... falsehoods. Again." I stay silent for a few seconds, enough to make her question my presence. "Nerys? Are you still here?"

I snap out of it and I mumble, "I am... Can I believe what you've said so far?" I get in my room and I start gathering my things to train, my old skin tight black shirt with half sleeves, finding my pants is harder.

"Yes, you can."

"Ironwood didn't tell you to do a background check on me?"

"What? No, he didn't. Why? What's going on?"

I rub my temples thinking, She seems genuine enough... "Nothing to concern you with."

"Well, it does now. Is my sister in danger?"

I snort and I reply, "She always is, Winter, and it will be worse in the future. This morning she texted me she's going on her first mission with her team."

"You sound proud."

"Of course I do, I can't help but be proud of how she's changing thanks to her friends. They had a rocky start, but I can see how they are bonding with each other. Great things await them." I smile thinking about the other girls in her team.

"I... I would like to hear about them, from you..."

I open a drawer and I find the old white sash with the snowflake, I stop, sighing, and I say, "I don't know... I... I don't know how I feel right now about you. I still feel angry and hurt, but I... I miss you, and knowing you tried to find something to clear my reputation I admit it pleases me..."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now