Chapter 9

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The spear digs uncomfortably in my back as I stand in a corner of the warehouse, constantly checking my surroundings, when eventually I see a pair of familiar cat ears.

I take a deep breath releasing it slowly as a ginger takes the stage. It takes me a second to recognize his face from the wanted posters around the city. Torchwick, a human talking to a rally of the White Fang... The girls are onto something, unfortunately. I look at the human, thanking the mask for concealing my scowl. The bastard is trying and succeeding in gaining favor from the faunus, everything feels so wrong, I wish I could end it now. I study the man and his sidekick, she's petite, or she's just a kid, probably both in his perspective.

I look around and not everyone here in the pit appears to not be a warrior, but either way their will is strong and misguided, Brothers know how bad is this combination.

Torchwick shows what's behind the curtain and I frown. Well, that for sure complicates things... and answers others. I'll tell them later.

Suddenly they address the crowd, telling the new recruits to come forth, in my hesitation I start following them, not arousing suspicions, but at a point I see Torchwick looking in my student's direction. Fuuuuck . I tense my hand, ready to grab my weapon, when Belladonna shoots the electric panel, I hear her talking to Wukong over the panic as someone gets in the Atlasian Paladin, I take this moment to simply melt in the shadows as I move in the crowd and in a blink of an eye I am outside the warehouse, in time to see the machine destroying the wall and following Belladonna and Wukong.

I rip the mask off my face destroying it in my grasp and I start running behind the robot. Of all things a bunch of teenagers could do, they decide to go after a terrorist organisation that for some reason accepts to follow a human criminal. Of course, they would.

I manage to 'travel' on a roof above the highway and from there I see the kids jumping on cars, but the stolen prototype is still going strong, I sigh and I jump on the roof of a car and I start making my way to the machine, I feel the scroll vibrating but I have to ignore it. When I am close enough I jump using a little bit of aura and grab the spear, as I come down I thrust it in its back, I hear the rumbling of a motorcycle and gasps. The machine startles but then it tries to shake me off, while throwing cars over its back, narrowly missing me.

Soon enough a halberd joins my spear and Vasilias shouts, "Good evening, professor. Fancy meeting you here!"

"Back at you, kid!" I look up and I see Wukong jumping to help us, using his semblance, but the machine grabs Vasilias and throws him at his friend, I wince as they hit each other, getting thrown over the wall, the spear slips from its hole but I plant it back in before I am thrown off too.

"Blake, I'm in position!" I look up in time to see Weiss landing in front of us and reading her rapier.

"No, Weiss!" I shout uselessly as she sticks it to the ground creating an ice sheet throwing off and over the machine, and me by extension. It's almost comical how her determined face changes to shocked and panicked once she sees me on the robot.

Unfortunately, the machine lands without problems, and I get decked to the ground thanks to gravity, I think I hear a rib cracking. I get up on shaky legs just as team RWBY reaches us "Professor?!"

"Not now, girls!" I look up and I avoid getting hit by a robotic fist, I jump back and I grimace at the pain in my chest, he tries to shoot me but I use the spear to deflect the bullets as I jump behind a pillar, I look over and I see Weiss and Xiao Long combo attack create a mist. Good, I can go around the robot without it detecting me or them seeing me. I close my eyes and I take a deep breath letting the shadow cover me, after a moment of cold void everything stops and I can open my eyes looking at team RWBY's backs, Belladonna and Weiss attack the mecha's legs and I see it sending rockets to them, hitting my protege in mid air. "Weiss!" I jump catching her and hurting my ribs some more.

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now