Chapter 13

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The Vytal Festival has arrived, finally!

It has been a few months where Ozpin sent me on various missions around the city, mostly to identify White Fang's members to help Beau and Zoie in their 'hunt' while I finish the program. It was hard to balance lessons, practices with the students and training with my teammates and Ozpin's missions, but I made it to this moment even with Ironwood's hot headedness. There's something wrong with him, I feel it.

I wake up with a smile but then I frown as I see a text from Glynda, she wants me in Ozpin's office. Of course I won't go one day without a meeting with them. I groan as I get up and I change into something casual before I go to his office.

"Ah, there you are, Nerys. Coffee?" Ozpin asks, I nod and I accept a mug from Glynda. "I bet you are wondering why I called you here, right?" I dip my head then I take a sip of the hot beverage. "And you may question also my request to have you train with your teammates for the last few months."

"Yes, but I admit that I needed it."

He smiles and as I take another sip, he says, "Good, because you'll be the opening act of the Vytal Festival."

I feel it go in the wrong pipe burning me and I start coughing, Ozpin starts chuckling while Glynda has the decency to come closer ready to intervene, but I raise a hand stopping her, I clear my throat and I ask, "What exactly will I do?"

"You'll be fighting three other former champions to open the dances tonight," He tells me.

I look at Glynda and she sighs pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "He's telling the truth. Some people want to see a serious fight. Students... are messier, fun to watch, but still messy."

I groan and I tell him, "Ozpin, pardon me, but I can't exactly be seen in all kingdoms, some people will remember my name and what it entails. Just from hearsay, faunus in Mantle believe that I am here, but having the confirmation? It will be bad for both of us."

"It's something I want to risk, Nerys. Don't worry about it."

I look at him but nothing betrays him, I sigh and I say, "Fine. I'm going to change. If you'll excuse me... I have to mentally prepare myself." they nod and they let me go away.

As I reach my door I see a nervous looking Weiss waiting for me, I clear my throat and she jumps surprised to look at me. "Where were you? I thought you would be inside..."

"Ozpin called me in his office. Is something wrong?"

She hesitates but then she says, "Lately you have been busy, I wondered if we could spend some time before the Festival?"

I smile gently and I hug her opening the door. "Of course, Liebling. Come."

We walk inside and she notices my furrowed eyebrows. "Is something wrong?"

I hear her concern loud and clear and I sigh. "Ozpin just told me that tonight I'll be part of the opening act of the Festival. I am worried about being back in the spotlight even if for a restricted time."

Weiss looks at me surprised. "That's... bad?" the girl asks.

I open the closet and I look through my things. "I'll be broadcasted around all Remnant, it will be a miracle if no one remembers my name. Both Ozpin and I are risking a lot, Mausi." she frowns as a suspire escapes her lips, sitting on my bed.

"Now that you make me think of it... I believe father will watch the Festival. I may have been ignoring his calls so..."

I smile a little as I throw my skin tight black shirt in Weiss's face, she glares at me while I smirk, then I turn back to my closet. "I've been teaching a little rebel. I bet he's not taking it well."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now