Chapter 14

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Fuck all this noise, why did I want to compete back at the Academy, in the first place? I groan as I take my time approaching the fighting duo, surprisingly the flail wielder is a real challenge for the man with the naginata. He's light on his feet, that I can see, and he's fast with the long weapon, but he's breathing way too heavily, he must have been hit while I was preoccupied with the other champion. Flail instead is really fascinating in their way of swinging that deadly weapon around, it almost intimidates me. I shake myself out of my reverie and I jump into the fray, as I team up with Flail against the man.

In the mess, I sneak in his guard and I manage to steal his guns and attach them to my magnetic belt under the waistband. Flail takes this moment to swing their weapon and the chain wraps around his naginata and they snatch it away from his grip, he goes for the guns but I smirk when he finds out they are not there, I pick one and I point it at him. "No hard feelings, pal." then I shoot him off the stage.

"And this is the second elimination by the hands of Miss Mazarin, let's see who will have the upper hand in this last duel!"

I smirk at Port's enthusiasm, I reattach the gun to my hip and we start seizing each other up.

"I didn't know you would continue this show after that hit." they point at my right hand.

I shrug my shoulders and I reply, "It's either win this, or give free reign on my wardrobe to... someone dear to me. I love her, but I know she would give me skirt after skirt." we laugh for a moment then we both stop. "So, shall we?"

They nod and then they throw themselves at me with a cry, I start deflecting or dodging entirely their weapon.

(Weiss's point of view)

"Hey babe, I'm going for a moment to the bathroom," Zoie tells her boyfriend, then she almost runs away, curious.

Meanwhile I am almost tempted to start biting my nails as I watch Nerys jumping around to evade that painful looking flail.

"Are you okay, Weiss?" Ruby asks me.

I turn to glance at her and I sigh. "I'm a little worried, she doesn't use her aura to defend herself, she prefers to evade than to absorb the impact and in a way I understand, but... no, it's stupid, she won once, I can't think of her losing."

"It's not stupid, kid, to worry about her well being," Beauregard interjects. "It's kinda cute, actually. But if you want some reassurances, I can tell you that she's back in her shape. Zoie and I made sure of it, although we thought it was for something else."

We look at him, curious, but he shakes his head. "We are too young to know?" I ask.

"No, I don't think so, but she told us that you may not be troublemakers, but still you find them. So it's for both your safety and her piece of mind."

I blush while Yang replies, "Hey, we just want to make this city a better place."

"And I'm not saying you should stand back. Brothers know we would have destroyed Atlas in your place..." he grumbles, I raise an eyebrow and he chuckles. "Let's say we all hated the army and how the rich families treated anyone who's different. Still do, actually."

I frown, sad. "So, Nerys-"

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and he starts waving his hands around. "Oh, no! She hates your father, but she defended you very... vehemently. Don't worry. It's just... it's a long story." I nod and I focus on the battle.

Nerys and the Mistrali champion are all over the place, our professor appears to be fine, deflecting with her sword or simply dodging, not even a little out of breath, but so is her opponent. They make it seem like an easy task to swing that flail around but I bet that it's not.

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now