Chapter 7

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The first semester goes as smoothly as can be, Winter doesn't try to contact me again so at least I manage to go back sleeping normal hours. I keep trying to get in Glynda's pants and the many bruises on my forearms shows how successful I have been, but you know, you win some and lose some.

I'm dreaming of a utopist world when suddenly a bird lets out a rhythmic sound out of its beak, I frown at the offending sound ruining my mid-afternoon nap, I groan as they knock again and I get up from the couch, yawning I open the door and I am surprised to see a nervous Ruby. "Miss Rose?"

"May I come in, professor?"

I nod and I step aside letting her in. "Is everything okay? Is this something about an assignment?"

She shakes her head, kicking her feet. "No, it's... personal. Pyrrha, Weiss and Blake have been great in helping me with my schoolwork, so... Actually... I need to tell you something about Weiss—" I sit straight on the couch and I am going to ask but she exclaims, "Nothing bad!"

I relax and I take a breath to calm down. "What's going on, Ruby? Spit it out."

She looks at me for a few seconds when eventually she says, "I'mcrushingonherbutIdon'tknowhowtoaskherout."

I blink, slowly, trying to understand what she has just told me, but when I come up empty-handed I ask, "Come again? Slowly."

She blushes and looking down she repeats, "I may have been crushing on her but I don't know how to ask her out."

I perk up, surprised, then I ask, "Pardon my confusion, but why are you asking me? What about your sister or... I don't know, some other friend."

She sighs and she explains, "Because Yang would be unbearable if I admitted that I like Weiss, and the others... well, they know Weiss less than me and you know her better than all of us combined. I mean, you dated her sister so maybe they could be similar experiences?"

I feel my jaw falling to the floor and I whisper, "You know?"

She looks at me confused and says, "Well, yeah? From what Weiss has been telling me and what you did tell us back on that Friday I thought it was pretty obvious, she can't even allude to her sister without you getting upset."

I sigh and I rub my temples. "Okay, so... she doesn't know. Don't tell anyone else that you know, got it?"

She frowns a little, but she nods. "Wh... Yes, got it. Now please, I need your help, professor."

I smile and I say, "Ruby, you could do anything to ask her out and she would accept without a doubt. Her snarky comments? They are basically part of her; doubts on you? Not even one."

"Well... she doubted Ozpin's choice to make me team leader..." she mumbles rubbing behind her head.

I scoff and I reply, "She was butt hurt, she complained to me, I told her to stop being a brat because it wasn't her." that surprises the small girl, but then she smiles looking down. "Ruby?" she blushes returning to look at me, and I chuckle. "do you have any idea on what to do?"

She nods and says, "I thought of telling her first that I like her, but I don't know what to say."

I chuckle. "Be honest and it will go as good as it can get."

"Did it work for you?" she asks, curious.

I nod. "It was a funny mission for our teams, my partner hated me for almost a week after that."


"There was this tension between us for a few days until we were attacked by a group of Grimms and only after that we admitted that we liked each other. Let's say that Robyn almost strangled me for how long it took me. 'Lovesick bastards', I think she said to describe us."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now