Chapter 19

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I behead an Ursa in midair and then I land on my feet, behind it. "Guys, I think we need to spread out!"

"Are you sure, Nerys?" Beau asks kicking a Boarbatusk in the nuzzle and then opening it like a clam.

"I'm sure! The Creatures have nothing on me." To rest my case, I duck under a Beowulf paw, I stab a second in the chest and then I jump high, skewering the head of the first one, the point sticking out of the other eye. I do a backflip and as I touch the ground I point the blade behind me and I stab a third incoming beast, making quick work of it immediately after.

"When should we rendezvous?"

I slide under another Beowulf slashing at his hind paws and while I kill it I answer, "When our sectors are cleared. Watch out..." I cut off a paw to an Ursa. "for everything that can kill you."

"This will be fun. See you later, love!" Zoie says before she grabs Beau and they disappear in a beam of light, effectively leaving me alone between a pack of Beowulf, quite a few Ursa and many Boarbatusk, I smirk and I jump on the closest Ursa, leaving behind a charging ball of Boarbatusk.

I dodge the Grimm for a few minutes, I slash at a small Beowulf and I jump over a small Death Stalker killing it immediately. This should be easy...

I check one last time in my sector and once I ascertain that the area is clear of citizens and Grimm I start my way to meet Beau, whose area is closer to mine.

I stop dead in my tracks as I see the signs many Grimm left on the buildings, but what worries me are the turned off heads of the Knights, I hear a few clangs and a grunt, I run over there and I see my friend fighting off a bunch of Atlasian robots. What worries me is that his blade is broken in half and his shoulders are sagged. "Beau!"

I start running but a fresh batch of those hacked robots shoot at me, I frown as I have to take cover. We really don't need this. But no, Irondick has to say "They are essentials!" Yeah, essential to bring Ozpin and Vale down, you motherfucking tin man! I flinch when a shot takes off a chunk of the corner of the brick wall I'm hiding behind. I take a deep breath, then I move in the shadows.

I jump in and out of their view very quickly to not give them a clear shot, and I bring them down in a matter of minutes, when I notice a small pack of Griffons approaching. Just our luck. I turn to look at Beau and he is still busy with the metal fuckers. "Grimm are getting closer, I'll keep them at bay, then we have to fall back!"

"I got you!" he shouts deflecting a bullet.

I take a few deep breaths and then I jump to the side as a Griffon tries to trample me. Thanks to the help of three others, they surround me, I look at them and I wait for their move. Godsdamnit, I will have words with Ironwood if I survive.

The two on my sides lunge at me and I barely have time to move to save my head, I clench my teeth as I feel their claws ripping my shirt and the skin in my arms. I look at them and then I decide to do something risky, I let the shadow dome cover us. While they are disoriented I clench my fist and I feel my Semblance acting and trapping them in place, I take a shaky deep breath and then I start to attack them.

Halfway through with them, I start to feel tired. The wounds on my arms can't heal properly and keeping still those truck sized pigeons is not all that easy. The last two break out of my grasp making me groan as I feel whiplash going through my left arm up to my head leaving me dizzy. I can't realize the Griffon going for my head, but I feel the pain on my face and on my neck as it grabs me and it takes me up in the air.

I blink and I reach up with my throbbing arm grabbing the oily fur on its front paw, I slash at the creature in the chest but it simply let's go from its left paw, I force myself to NOT look down and I manage to hoist me up and I stab it through the neck.

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now