Lily among thorns

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Quick Author's note:

You see "italics" and it's either Atlasian (German) or a phone call, you'll understand which is which.

Enjoy =)

On Friday I hear knocking on my door. "Come in."

"Good Evening, Nerys." I turn around and I smile at the Heiress.

"Hello again, Weiss. Come, the chocolate is almost ready." Walking inside, she closes the door and leaves her shoes by the door, next to mine. "how was your day? " I ask her.

"Good, Ruby is finally starting to give me good feedback ." Smirking I look at her, she notices it and she asks, "what? "

"Ruby, eh? " she frowns deeply.

She regards me cautiously and she answers, "Yes, what about it? "

"You like her."

She blushes and exclaims, "How dare you?! "

Chuckling, I begin to pour the chocolate in two mugs. "I am not blind, I catch you looking at her with the same eyes I-" I sigh, becoming a little sad, "I had for someone. "

That peaks her interest and she asks, "Did you like someone? "

She follows me to the balcony and we sit side by side, enjoying the view. "I did. "

For a moment she looks at me confused, but then she regards her mug, picking at its edge. "When did you realize it? How was it? "

"I don't know when it started, it was gradual ever since the first moment I talked with her when I was 7 and sacrificed my hot choco for that 5 year old girl. " She stands still and I look at her worried. "are you okay? "

"Okay?! You tell me you liked someone after years we've known each other! " She frowns and then asks, "why did you never tell me of this girl? "

I look away, feeling slightly guilty for having kept that from her. "Because you were still young and still liked your father for most of the time and he's never been accepting of romances that weren't between hetero humans. Heck, I believe he despises them too if it's not for money."

She remains silent and I let her be for a few more minutes busying ourselves with our drinks, and eventually she breaks the silence. "Who was she? "

I wince, but luckily she doesn't notice it, or at least, she doesn't anknowledge it. "I... can't tell you. I want to, but I would have to talk with her first but it's been years since I last saw her and... it's complicated. I hope you can understand that."

"Why did you break up? "

I frown but before she takes it back I tell her, "We broke up because she believed your father. I bet he was behind 'that'... he found out about me and he tried to intimidate me but I simply took it and refused to back down. Because of my hot headedness I had to leave you and Whitley with him and break up with her in the worst way possible." I sigh, shoulders dropping while I look down on my drink. "I miss her but... at the same time it's better this way. She really thought I would conspire against your father when I... I simply couldn't, because I care about you."

"I believe you," she replies immediately.

I smile at her and my tail caresses her arm. "Thank you, Mausi."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now