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Audio titled: KING

Another Planet
(Insanity was More Normal than Sanity)


"You have GOT to be kidding me!"

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"You have GOT to be kidding me!"

"Jong Woo, I know this sounds strange, but if you would just allow me to explain-"

"Strange? This does not sound strange, Dr. So, it sounds like a death wish. Why on earth are you asking me this? I don't even know the man!"

Jung Hwa sighed into the phone and pinched the bridge of her nose. She had expected this. Of course Jong Woo was not jumping on the idea of coming to the hospital to talk with Moon Jo. Who would be, after the first impression he had? She could already tell  Jong Woo would be far too proud to admit it, but it was clear he was scared of Moon Jo. Jung Hwa didn't blame him. She was scared of Moon Jo too, no matter how unprofessional it was.

The majority of the orderlies were scared of Moon Jo, his roommate probably was too, and so were the men he called his friends prior to checking in. Still, she needed to at least try this approach. She didn't know what else to do.

"I assure you, it's completely safe." Jung Hwa had to make a great effort to sound ten times as comfortable and confident as she actually was. "Our staff is trained to handle any incident that might arise."

Jong Woo sighed as if to release his partial anger. "I still don't understand," he said, calmer this time. "Why me? He met me for two minutes. A very intense two minutes, yes, but two minutes all the same."

"You had a very interesting effect on him." Jung Woo thought back to their session that morning. Thankfully, this one didn't end in violence. Again, all Moon Jo would talk about was Jong Woo. When he was, his entire demeanor seemed lighter.

He was calm.

That was not the case when Jung Hwa tried to ask about his family. Moon Jo always changed the subject immediately. "Moon Jo seems to see a lot of people as being beneath him. He wants to protect everyone. But he sees you as an equal, and I would like to explore that."

There was a long pause. When Jong Woo finally spoke, he said every word as if it was its own sentence. "I met him for two minutes."

"I know." It wasn't as if Jung Hwa could make sense of it either. She had no idea why Moon Jo spoke about some guy he ran into in a hallway one time like a long lost love. Her best guess was that Moon Jo loved the idea of Jong Woo, but with him, she could never really be sure. All she knew was she had a job to do, she was stuck, and there was a possibility that Jung Woo could get her unstuck. "I'm sorry. I don't understand it either, but I could really use your help. You would be paid, and I can guarantee nothing will happen to you. This is pretty much my last option, Jong Woo."

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