Chapter 27: UNFAIR

653 51 17

Audio titled: BE ALRIGHT

(Wonder how it gotten this way)


When Jong Woo got to the surgical ward, the last thing he expected was Song Min to introduce him to one of his patients

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When Jong Woo got to the surgical ward, the last thing he expected was Song Min to introduce him to one of his patients.

Bo Min was somewhat of a strange girl, her major traits being an obsession with cats, shoulder length, unkempt hair... and a bit of an affinity for Song Min.

It didn't take long for it to become painfully obvious she was not simply a patient. She and Song Min seemed to hold eye contact too long, speak too casually.

Song Min looked just a bit too concerned when Bo Min began to sway in her stance.

Bo Min looked a bit too comfortable touching him, and at one point, calling him 'sweet.'

By the end of the short, awkward introduction, Jong Woo figured out what his brother was being so secretive about. He could not say he was upset it, however.

Rather Jong Woo felt almost jealous, because despite being in obviously poor health, Bo Min was... normal.

When they passed Jung Hwa on their way out, Jong Woo pretended not to notice how long she stared at him.

Throughout the entire first half of the meal, Jong Woo couldn't get thoughts of Moon Jo out of his head.

He didn't taste his food, didn't meet Song Min's gaze, didn't think about the meaningless small exchanged between them.

Jong Woo only said something of value when he could not stand to think of himself any longer. "Song Min, I know something is going on."

Song Min looked up, obviously startled and just as obviously trying to hide it. "What are you referring to?"

Jong Woo had a strong feeling Song Min knew exactly what he was referring to, but simply did not want to talk about it.

Jong Woo couldn't... he didn't know the feeling. Still, he said, "That patient, Song Min. The way she looks at you. The fact that she wanted to meet your brother."

Song Min looked away. "She is my friend." He stumbled over the last word, as if he wasn't sure about it.

"I can see that." Jong Woo would have to be blind not to. "All I'm saying is... maybe there is more to it."

He actually hoped there was more to it. That way, he would know Song Min would be that much closer to understanding his situation.

Jong Woo had seen the suspicious way Song Min had eyed the shirt, and it had become very clear that he couldn't hide this much longer.

He couldn't even say he wanted to anymore. It was getting to be far too much to handle alone.

"Why are you so concerned about it?" Song Min was wide-eyed, almost panicked. That was all it took.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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