Chapter 20: SO TIRED

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Audio titled: STUCK WITH U

So Tired
(You Should Go Home)


When the phone started ringing and shattered the silence in his office, Jong Woo promptly dropped the box he was carrying on his foot

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When the phone started ringing and shattered the silence in his office, Jong Woo promptly dropped the box he was carrying on his foot.


He already had his throbbing head to deal with, and now he had gone and hurt his foot.

Cursing under his breath, he kicked his desk chair aside and collapsed against it.


Just when he was about to leave after working for far too long, there was yet another thing to do.

Damn these solicitors!

Jong Woo was nearly sure it was one of them, if not a co-worker.

He supposed there was a slim chance it was his brother, though Jong Woo had hardly been speaking to his brother lately.

He sincerely hoped it was the latter, considering he was in absolutely no mood to deal with anything else business related.

It had been a long, long week.

Without even bothering to check the caller ID, Jong Woo picked up the phone, slammed the TALK button with far more force than necessary, and tried not to sound as annoyed as he felt. "Hello?"

There wasn't an immediate answer.

Jong Woo sighed and nearly hung up, but the voice that followed the silence broke his annoyance to pieces. "Jong Woo." There was a heavy, weight sigh. "Thank you for picking up, dear."

Jong Woo was rendered speechless.

He hadn't expected it to be Moon Jo, and even if he had, he wouldn't have expected him to sound so dejected.

Moon Jo's voice usually rose and fell like soap bubbles, usually popped in bursts of lilting laughter.

Now, he sounded as if he had just woken up after sleeping a decade.

Jong Woo couldn't deny the drop in his stomach. "Moon Jo? Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly, no." Moon Jo's response was concerning.

If Jong Woo knew one thing about him, it was that he never admitted to anything being less than perfect.

If there was an apocalypse raging behind his back, Moon Jo would likely smile and say everything was fine.

Jong Woo said nothing, waiting for an explanation for such odd behavior. And by God, he got that explanation. "My mother and cousin just left."

"Oh." Jong Woo drummed his fingers against the wood of his desk.

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