day 3

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"mhm so what would you give me in return to draw you"? suna asked. we had picked back up on our conversation from yesterday.
about- him drawing me.

"i'd be gifting you the pleasure of my beauty". i joked. "that's only the case of you being naked, with clothes i'm not so sure you sitting and staring is much of a reward". he replied.

oh my god- is this a direct confession that he wants to see me naked? and that he loves me and he wants to get married and have 8 children and move to peru?
or- is he joking too?

"just kidding". he added.
ok there we go.
"i don't know- can't i just pay you"? i asked.
"cash isn't speacial". he said putting his pencil in his mouth.

"cash can buy speacial things though". i argued.
"no i need something else". he said.
"how about you just tell me what you want". i said back.
"because then it's not your idea". he replied.
"my idea is cash". i laughed.

"think about it- and when you're ready then i can draw you for it". he said.
"where? here"? i asked.
"of course not". he smiled.
"at my house".

my heartbeat- it's fading.
this is it.
i'm dying from being too excited, i knew it could happen.

"how does that sound"? he asked.
"uhhhh- you want me to come to your house"?
"mhm". he nodded.
"are we going to sit in the kitchen orrr- like the living room"? i questioned.
"of course not- i only draw models in my room". he said.

"in your room- ok".
it's not like i have a huge crush on you or anything, and i'm not going to smell your bedsheets when you're not looking.
i'm not going to cherish that moment for the rest of my life.

"is that ok"? he asked.
"yeah". i said back hiding my true intentions.
he smiled.
"okay- i'm free tomorrow if you are". he said.
"yeah- i'm free". i said.

"i'll drive you to my house, then we can do it, and i'll take you home after". he said.
d-do it?
that's an interesting way of saying you're gonna draw me.

"yeah- definitely we can do it and then you can take me home". i said zoned out.
he had a weird look on his face now.
crap. i didn't even have to repeat him.

"you're talking about drawing right"? he asked.
"uh- yeah what else". i responded.

"everyone, make sure you choose a partner today, because next week you will be painting their body and sending in a picture of your work, this is a very loose curriculum, but this is a big assignment, and will be graded harshly, i expect you to meet outside of school with your partner, supply your own body paint and brushes, paint the other person physically, and then send in the picture. the person painting does not have to be painted as well, each of you will take a separate job, and work together to express the beauty of body art, if you don't have transportation to their house, or you are not comfortable with this, an alternate assignment will be given.
the pictures of the body paintings with be displayed in class next week after the assignment, so please keep your junk IN the trunk. thank you".

"painting bodies"? i asked suna.
"mhm, wanna partner"? he asked quickly.
"why me"? i asked looking around the room.
"because honestly i'm scared of the other girls in this class, i feel like they might be obsessed with me".

i nodded. "could be". i said pretending to wonder if it was true. of course it was, because i was one of them.
"why do you think so"? i asked.

"because all the girls in this school stare too much, and honestly talk too much". he said biting his pencil.
"does that include me"? i asked smiling.
"hm- i guess i'm the one that talks to you". he said back.
i wanted this man deeply.

"guess that means you're the one obsessed with me". i grinned.
"obsessed? more like interested". he mumbled.
i am soaking wet in this chair and i don't regret it.

"interested". i asked curiously.
looks like it worked- my perfect plan.
"you're always asking questions, and i've never met someone so beautifully clueless". he said.

wait did he just call me clueless.
.. and BEAUTIFUL?!
i've made it to the big leagues.

"clueless"? i asked.
"there you go asking a question". he smiled.

oaktree- 😋 i'm going to devour him like a hungry hungry hippo.

suna: art classWhere stories live. Discover now