should have eaten it

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i tried my best to explain myself to sunas sister, about the reason i was requesting to stay the night at her teen brothers house.

yeah it sounds weird but it's really not my fault.
"so- your mom really can't come get you"? she asked.
i shook my head quickly.
"no, i'm really sorry to suddenly inconvenience you". i said.

"doesn't inconvenience me at all". suna mumbled with a huge smile plastered on his face.
not helping my case at all.

"i don't know- ao what do you think"? she asked.
"well where else would she go". he shrugged looking at her. she bit her lip and sighed.
"alright. you can stay". she said reluctantly.

my heart skipped a beat.
this was like a dream come true, and a nightmare at the same time.
yes i was getting to spend the night at my dream crushes house, BUT there's basically adult supervision, and he probably feels weird about this.

i mean even though he just made that remark, in all honesty he probably doesn't want me taking up space in his room.

"are you SURE it's alright"? i asked once more, i'd rather sleep on the sidewalk than feel like a burden.

"it's okay, i know it's not your fault". she said glaring at suna.
"well i guess we should finish our food and then i can give you some type of pajamas to wear, i'm sure suna won't mind if you crash his room for one night". she explained.

he was staring at me and i clasped my hands together. "thank you". i whispered awkwardly.

after eating, aone took everything to the kitchen while i followed sunas sister to her bedroom.
"well, i don't have anything that will fit you perfectly, but i do have this tank top and this pair of nike shorts". she said.

i looked at the items in her hand, that tank top was certainly something.
it had thin straps and it looked like maybe one of my boobs could fit inside.

"is this okay"? she asked.
being the people pleaser i am i nodded silently and took them to the bathroom to change.

staring at myself in the mirror, i realized this tank top was really letting the jugs out.
i mean- i don't think i want her or aone to see me wearing this.
i should just rush upstairs and hop under the covers.

i wonder if suna has an air mattress maybe, or if he's planning on making me a pallet.

my plan of rushing up the stairs quickly without being spotted was a success.
and i realized suna must be using his bathroom since he wasn't in his bed.

since there was nothing made up on the floor yet i just sat on sunas bed. i noticed there was a gap between the edge of his bed and his wall, where if something fell it would end up under.

i used my phone flashlight to look for a charging port between the gap, but my eye caught site of something else.
way down on the floor, was something nude colored.

i reached my hand down and poked it.
it felt really soft and squishy like- suddenly my phone fell out of my hand and landed on the ground beside it with the flash still on.

damn it.
i sighed as i rolled off the bed and onto the ground.
i peeked under and realized this huge bed was more like a crawl space.
i'll actually have to go under to retrieve my phone.

i huffed as i wiggled my way under, finding water bottles and magazines.
when i got to the back, i could feel that my legs were sticking out, but my entire top half was hidden.

i grabbed my phone and shined the light at the object i had seen.
i grabbed it and then..i realized- that it was a pocket p*ssy. (bleh)
i wanted to let out a shriek but i contained myself.

when i threw it down, i rubbed my fingers together, feeling the sticky wet coating over them.
my eyes went wide and i covered my mouth with my other hand, leaving my phone on the floor.

this is... sunas... cum.
if i didn't know any better i might eat this.
it's like the heavens were shining down on me.

i wiped the sticky substance on the carpet and contemplated touching the toy again. i mean it's suna we're talking about.

when i felt two hands on my ankles i gasped, i grabbed my phone as i was dragged out from under the bed.

"why did you pull me out"? i asked.
suna snickered.
"well a girl stuck under something can go two ways, and i didn't think you wanted the first way right now".

yeah i should have eaten that cum.

"were you snooping"? he asked.
"huh?! no, i was getting my phone". i said.
"uh- huh". he replied smugly.
he didn't believe me at all.

"did you find my little toy"? he asked.
i swallowed hard and cleared my throat.

"i don't know". i said, i'm so dumb. when i get nervous i just deflect.
"you think i pretend it's you sometimes"? he asked with a sexual glare in his eye.

my core was aching, i wanted him so bad.
"that's a true or false for you". he said.
oh he wants me to guess-
well... "true". i murmured.

"oh? you think i get off to you or something"? he asked.
"well i'm just taking a guess". i said back smugly.
he laughed a little.
"maybe i should". he mumbled. sending me into an internal panic.

oaktree- i would have eaten that cum but hey i guess that's just me.

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