bloody mary

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as i was in the bathroom i realized something, my period had stopped after only a day.
this has happened to me before, it has something to do with period hormones.
i'll more than likely see my real period next week.

how lucky am i to be over at my boyfriends house when this happens? extremely.
but.. maybe i shouldn't tell him.
he might want to have sex RIGHT NOW.
(BTW this is real and has happened to me many times)

when i came out the bathroom, suna was on my phone. my eyes went wide. "really...suna was your password"? he asked.
i lowered my head in embarrassment. 
"that's been my password since the first time i've been to your house".

he squinted. "are you a stalker"? he asked with a smile. i walked over to his bed and pushed him down onto his back. "you're the creepy one".

"ooh- getting a little dominant"? he asked sitting back up. i pushed him back down again and grinned. "no i'm just keeping you away".

he scoffed and pulled his blanket over his head.
for a moment- reality hit me.
this was still suna, and i was in his house, and he liked me... he liked me?
what the fuck.

"i'm kinda hungry". he said suddenly from beneath the blanket.
"me too"- i murmured back.
"what are you hungry for"? he asked.

he pulled the cover off of himself and sat up, putting his back against his headboard.

"what do you have a taste for"? i asked tilting my head. he smiled and seemed to think about something. "i have a taste for you if that works". he grinned boyishly.

"not on the menu right now"- i said laughing.
"a little blood never hurt anyone". he said. coincidently, as he smiled his sharp canines exposed them selfs, making his statement very vampire-like.

"calm down twilight". i joked.
"oh? so i'm edward- then who's jacob"? he asked furrowing a brow.
"there isn't one". i intervened.
"mhm". he stated taking out his phone.
(if you've never seen twilight it's a movie where the main girl is stuck between 2 lovers. a werewolf and a vampire- it's on netflix)

"sooo- really what are you hungry for"? i asked.
he shrugged. "i don't know- maybe a burger or something".

"so what you're saying is you don't know what you want to eat"? i replied.

it had taken us another thirty minutes to decide what we wanted to eat.
but we finally just agreed to go pick up takeout.
we would have gotten it delivered.
but suna said he wanted to go to the store beforehand.

suna turned into a parking lot and my eyes went wide. "why are we here"? i asked.
he only smiled and put his hand up.
"suna". i whined.
"embarrassed"? he asked.
"no". i said back quickly crossing my arms.

"ever been to a sex shop"? he asked turning the car off. as the a/c suddenly stopped making noise my stomach curled into itself and left me awkwardly sitting in my seat as suna opened his door and stepped out of the car.

"i thought you were starving". i said quickly following behind him.
there was a couple walking towards us hand- in hand with a bag in the boys hand.
it looks like they bought quite a bit.
as we passed them i heard a bit of their conversation.
"you're not doing that to me". the boy whined.
"baby- we already bought it just let me". the girl pleaded back.
"peg a doll then". he rebuttled.

me and suna turned to eachother with wide eyes and smiles crossed our faces as we let out silent laughs, walking into the store before we let them become audible.

"that's us"- suna stated.
"are you saying that you want me to peg you"? i asked tilting my head.
"he was very clearly against it". suna replied crossing his arms.

"you're looking for straps"? a woman said walking up next to us.
i had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.
"no"- suna said shaking his head quickly.

she smiled softly and her perfume was growing stronger the longer she stood next to us.
she was staring suna down and for some reason i found myself curling my hands into fist by my side.

"what's your name"? she asked raising an eyes brow like she thought he looked familiar or something.
"it's- suna". he replied.
she was leaning forward a little, towards suna and i felt uneasy that he could smell her... how good she smelled.

"and who are you"? i asked with the nicest tone i could manage. "oh- um just a frequent customer, i saw you here once actually and i didn't get a chance to say hi". the girl said now back to making eye contact with suna.

why was suna here before? and why does she wanna speak to him now? ... hm i'm acting like the jealous girlfriend and i hate it.

"i actually was just coming to grab a few things, would you mind helping me decide on something"? the girl now spoke to me.
i nodded with a fake smile and she brought the hand basket up from her waist, pulling out a lingerie bra.
it was practically see through.
hardly a bra at this point.

"is this flattering on me"? she asked holding it up to her chest and backing up to show it.
it seemed as if she was talking to me.
but her body language sort of suggested this wasn't for me at all.
nor did she care about what i had to say.

"ummm- i think something like that would be better". i said pointing behind her to silk robes.
"more coverage". i smiled looking up at suna.
he was eyeing her and when he saw me looking he glanced away.

i furrowed my brows and turned back to the girl.
"uh- suna what do you think"? she asked.
my blood was boiling at this point.
i was definitely jealous.
he smiled and i thought i might leave the store.
"i think my girlfriend has pretty good advice". he replied.

"ah- y-yes i agree". she smiled putting it back in her bag and clasping her hands.
she had an awkward presence about her now.

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