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after about 30 minutes.
suna finally said he was done, and showed me the finished product
"Wow that's really good, it looks just like me, it's actually insane how you can draw someone so quickly but with so much accuracy".

"i guess". he said.
"you know- it's almost dinner time, my sister is on break all week from school, so her and her boyfriend have been sleeping here since two nights ago".
"oh that's cool i guess". i said slowly.

"anyways- he's a good cook, you should stay to eat". suna said.
wow- i cannot believe this is real life.
i mean if i saw a flying dog right now i think that would tie right in.

"are you sure? i don't wanna impose". please don't be a dream.
"i'm sure. it's not a big deal". he said.

okay then.
dinner at sunas tonight i guess.

it had felt like forever.
waiting for sunas sister to finally get home.
me and suna had been upstairs on our phones for the past hour, and it got kind of awkward when i went to the bathroom and saw a playboy magazine on the counter.

but she finally came through the door and suna rushed downstairs.
"I MISSED YOU"! he screamed.
"it's been a few hours". she said.
wow i never expected him to be the type that's close to his sister.

"hey aone". he said shaking hands with a tall boy. damn- that's her boyfriend?! he's kind of scary but i get why she would think he's attractive.

"so.. who's this"? she asked turning towards me.
oh crap.
i remember now that suna told me not to admit what i was really here for.. and instead he would make something else up.

"this is my girlfriend y/n". he said without missing a beat. my heart dropped into my stomach. i don't think i will ever get to hear those words again- maybe if i'm lucky he will introduce me as his friend another time.

"girlfriend"? she asked raising a brow.
"woah look at you". aone grinned.
suna shrugged.
"yeah do you have a problem"?
"no- i just didn't expect to come home to my brother with a girlfriend that's all".
"you should have". he smirked at me.

i was shaking practically.
"hi nice to meet you". i said timidly extending my hand and shaking theirs.
"how long have you two been together"? she asked me.
"uhm"- i didn't know what to say, i didn't think any of this through.

"2 months". suna said.
wow ok i guess he had it covered.
"aw- " she said looking over her brothers face.
"well let's eat then". she clapped her hands and walked passed us with her boyfriend behind her.

yeah. let's eat 🤥

sunas sister had made the most delicious smelling ramen. and when we all finally sat down to eat, i was actually excited to try it.

"so- what we're you two doing for all this time"?
she asked from across the table.
"just on our phones". i said sort of telling the truth.
"she's lying- we were fucking". suna said.

my eyes went wide.
"suna shut up you're not even funny". she complained.
"oh yeah- no when you guys opened the door i had to pull out because she was screaming so much". he said.

at this point i think jumping off a bridge is the only thing i could do.
i guess suna wanted to make his sister feel uncomfortable.

"good for you". aone mumbled making sunas sister hit his arm.
"don't let him drag you to hell with him". sunas sister laughed at me.
i smiled. "i'm sure he will try".
"HEY"! suna said.

"we WERE really just on our phones". i said giving suna a glare.
"sure. if you want to convince her". suna smirked.

these feelings i felt were something serious.
if i had to guess, i'd say he has 3 more remarks before i want to take him upstairs and ride him.
but hey- that's just my imagination.

"you know- it's raining really hard out there, how will you get home"? she asked me.
"oh- well suna drove me here". i said.
"yeah but he's not great at driving in the rain, i can't see that well in the dark, and aone has a suspended license".

well- fuck.

"maybe i should call my mom then"? i asked.
"it's only gonna get worse, the rain isn't predicted to stop until around 6am and there's gonna be a huge storm at 10". aone said.
"but it's 8". i sighed.

"exactly so by the time your mom gets here the weather might already be the worst".
"hm. i guess i should call her, please excuse me". i said standing up from the table.

my mom was gonna be pissed.
she didn't know i had even gone anywhere.
she gets home from work at 9, and my plan was to sneak in and out without her knowing.

so now i know i'll be in trouble for sure.

i went to the bathroom down the hall and broke into a cold sweat thinking about the yelling i would get for this.
i mean she was really going to be upset that she had to drive over here in the rain right after a long shift.

i dialed her number and waited while the phone seemed to ring forever.
i was really nervous after all.

"hello"? her voice finally spoke.

she seemed really tired.

i explained everything that was going on and let her know i was safe and that i just needed her to come get me.

and she said...

"they sound nice- ask to stay over please". and hung up the line.


this is suspicious but... even crazier... spend the night- at sunas house- ?!?!?

suna: art classWhere stories live. Discover now