can i touch you

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sunas room was unexpectedly chill, he had a lot of posters, his bed was one of those "off the floor ones", pretty high up.
he had a ton of pillows and blankets on it.
and he had a standing lamp in the corner.

he also had a couch in his room, which i thought was pretty cool.
"so do you want to get started"? i asked.
"sure. let me get my sketchbook". suna replied grabbing his backpack.

i had left my backpack in the car, but i did bring something inside.
the gift i had brought him as thanks for drawing me, i mean it wasn't an expensive ring but i think he will like it.

i reached into my pocket and pulled out the fountain pen. my grandma had given it to me for my drawings, but i didn't use pens a lot and suna seemed like he would appreciate it.
it was actually pretty cool. it was sleek, and it had grip on it. if i was actually confident in my ability to free draw i would use it more.

"no you can't give me that". suna said.
"huh why not"? i asked as he threw his bag to the ground.
"because it looks expensive". he replied.
"it is but i don't even use it". i argued.
"it's fine, i'll take something else from you". he said opening his book and grabbing a pencil.
"like"? i asked.
"i'll know what i want when i see it". he smiled, making my stomach tighten.
"sure" i mumbled, sliding the pen back into my pocket.

"come sit over here". he demanded, patting the bed space next to him.
he wants me to- sit on his bed?
for real?
this is definitely a dream come true type of feeling.

"are you sure"? i asked.
"how else am i supposed to draw you"? he asked tilting his head to the side.
"right". i said walking to sit on his bed.

it was actually pretty comfortable.
to be honest, i was really nervous to be home alone with a boy, that had never happened to me before.

"if your sister comes home and sees me, will you be in trouble"? i asked.
"huh, no? she'll probably just think we had sex or something". he said back.
my heart started beating nearly out my chest.
he just says whatever he wants.

"wouldn't that be bad- you know for her to think you're having sex with a bunch of random girls".
i asked.
"better than her knowing i'm drawing them, i told my parents i quit art class because they didn't understand it, so actually if she came home i'd probably tell her you're my new girlfriend". he grinned.

n-new girlfriend?!
suna please i can't take much more.
i'm practically craving you.

i didn't notice.
but he had already started drawing me.
i tried to glance down at the sketchbook but his hand was covering it too much.

"so- what's your sisters boyfriend like"? i asked.
"huh? what kind of question is that"? he laughed.
"sorry- i didn't really know what to ask". i responded
"hm. aone? he's fine i guess. i like that he doesn't talk much, they've pretty much been close since childhood though so it doesn't surprise me that they started dating".

oh i see.
"do you have a girlfriend"? i asked.
then i quickly realized what i had just said.
"uh, no actually i don't". he said erasing something.
"huh? really, you seem like the type of guy to always be taken". i laughed.
"how so"? he asked.
"well you know- you're obviously cute i mean everyone thinks that- you have a nice car- you live practically without parental control- you're a great artist and you're funny too- plus..". i looked up to see suna staring at me intently.

"oh sorry i didn't mean to like- rate you or anything". i said awkwardly.
"no i'm just surprised you think i'm such a catch". he smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"well i was just saying it seems like you should have a girlfriend". i mumbled.
"oh? so you wanna go out with me"? he asked.
i raised a brow, but inside i was overheating to the point of passing out.

"is that a question"? i asked shyly.
"more like- are you saying you want to date me"? he asked.
my head was pounding- oh, he wasn't really asking i guess.

"even if i did i'd never tell you first". i said playing it cool.
"i don't ask people out, i've only ever had one girlfriend before and she asked ME out". he smiled.
"why"? i asked.
"because i'm not the type to assume someone has feelings for me, so it's kinda hard to ask a girl out when i can't even tell if she likes me". he said.

"the signs are obvious". i replied.
"hm? what are they"? he asked as he kept drawing.
"you know- breaking eye contact cause she's nervous, wanting to touch you, complimenting you, copying your body language". i was naming stuff off the top of my head really.

"you mean what you do"? suna asked.
"HUH?! when did i do any of that stuff"? i asked.
"you compliment me by calling me cute, you never look me in the eye for long, you're leaning on one knee like me, and... you've never tried to touch me but i'm sure you want to". he smiled.

"that's completely not true". i lied.
"hm. well then i guess those signs don't work either". he said leaning back.
"no. they DO work- but it doesn't count for me". i said nervously.
"how can't it count for one person"? he asked.
"because i'm just a nervous person in general".
i said.
suddenly, i felt a hand on my face, suna pushed it a little and then moved his hand around my neck, i nearly gasped when he pushed it down and lowered my head by himself.

"needed a different pose". he said.
"you couldn't warn me"? i asked.
"just wanted to know if you'd let me touch you however i wanted". he smiled.
i need to go home and play with myself.

oaktree- 👁👄👁well then-
geeeeez i don't know who writes these things so vulgar and explicit 🤥 not me cause, no... huh?
i haven't even been on my phone since right now.
i just opened the app and this was typed like... it's not even me it's the ghost. 👻 "that's right, i'm typing dirty filth for you so PRAISE ME"!

suna: art classWhere stories live. Discover now