suna OKAY

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suna was a lot more rowdy than i had expected when i first met him, he was a lot more playful and the sexual jokes he made definitely took me by surprise.

"so- do you want me to make a pallet on the floor, or do you maybe have an air mattress"? i asked.
"what's wrong, you don't wanna sleep with me"? he asked.
my stomach was tingling.
"i couldn't possibly inconvenience you like that". i laughed.
"a pallet would be fine"- i started.
"i have an air mattress". he interrupted.

i nodded.
i was still so shocked by my moms response, she would never allow this, staying the night at a boys house when his parents weren't even home.

there's no way she isn't up to something just as sneaky.
"i'm gonna go grab it out the closet". suna said as he walked off.

i pulled out my phone and hurriedly took a picture of sunas room, i would remember this forever.
"what are you doing"? he asked.
i jumped and my phone fell to the ground.

"uh-". i couldn't say anything.
"i was just going to ask if you wanted me to put sheets on it"... he said.
i slowly nodded and he backed out of the room.

after suna got the air mattress ready, he changed his shirt which i watched peeking through my "covered eyes", then he got into his bed while i snuggled under the blankets.
they even smelled like him.

"are you comfortable"? he asked.
"uh- yeah". i said back.
"okay let me know if you need anything".


i didn't know if i should say anything or not, so i just decided to go on my phone.

i barely got messages if i didn't send them first, so i decided to text my cousin whom i was actually close to, even though she was 21 we were really tight with one another, growing up she was the one that snuck me around and helped me get into things i probably shouldn't have.

me: guess where i am :)
lynn: uhh- where?
me: staying over at a boys house
lynn: HUH?! no way?! is he your boyfriend? does your mom know?

me: she's the one that made me stay over since she didn't feel like getting me. and no he's not my boyfriend, just my crush ;)

me: no wayyyyy- that would be so awkward tbh
lynn: no it wouldn't! i just met this hot boy at a training camp, his name is ushjima and he's basically famous.
me: ok but you're hot. i can't just randomly try anything like you can.

lynn: you got it. but i have to go, the boy i was telling you about invited me to his apartment so i'm shaving. 😏 ttyl, love you.

me: love you too 🥰

i put my phone down.
ushjima? i think i've heard about him before.
how did lynn find hook ups so easily?
i basically had to pay 150$ just to be in the same class as a boy i liked.

i looked up at suna who was reading off a tablet.
"what are you reading"? i asked.
"a story about 2 girls who fall in love". i raised an eyebrow. really? "read it out loud". i said.
"are you sure"? he asked.
uh yeah why not.
"yeah read it". i said closing my eyes and relaxing.

being told a story while falling asleep would certainly be peaceful for me.
"agh". suna moaned making me open my eyes quickly. "don't stop kiyari"! he moaned again.

my heart was racing.
"suna"- i said.
"her perfect clit wavering under my touch as the juices poured out of her so beautifully, almost glistening as i indulged in them". he read.

"suna OKAY". i said throwing a pillow at him. he started cackling. "WHAT ARE YOU READING"?! i asked.
"it's called lust and longing second edition". he replied.

"that is porn". i said pointing at the tablet.
"it's- e r o t i c a". he said smoothly.
"you really read that stuff"? i asked.
"you don't"? he asked back.

"why would i read about people having sex"? i questioned gulping.
"i don't know- what do you do when you're horny"? he asked.

w- what.
"suna stop"! i said feeling hot and throwing the other pillow at him.
"you can't just throw a pillow at me and expect me to forget what i said". he laughed.

"why would you ask about.. that"? i whispered.
"what- you being horny"?
"SHHHHH". i panicked standing up and getting on the bed to cover his mouth.

his eyes went wide as he laughed with my hand pressed to his face.
"hO- mm- NY"! "HO-RNMYY"!! "y/n IS HORNY-MM"! he was practically yelling.

"SUNA SHH- do you want your sister to come up here"?! i nervously whispered as i got on top of him to cover his mouth completely.

his eyes went lower and lidded.
"EW"! i said as i felt his tongue lick my hand.
"so you're not horny"? he asked eyeing my body on top of his with a grin.

"i- sorry but you were screaming". i said.
"so if i scream, girls will get on top of me"? he asked letting out a laugh and making me tremble in my very core.

"don't do it". i said.
"SHES HORNY- y/n IS HOR...MFFH". i was muffling him again as he tried to scream.
"stop saying that". i aggressively whispered.
he was laughing and moving around under me, my entrance was pulsing as my body moved on top of his, the way it felt when his loose joggers dug right into mine.

"sunaaaa". i whined.
"she's moaning my name now". he said speaking through the space of my hand.
i put my other hand right back on his mouth and watched as he squirmed.

"come on, your sister is gonna be suspicious". i whispered. "she doesn't come up here". he whined back trying to get free from under me.

as he wiggled and tried to get free, a bulge was brushed against my inner thigh while my eyes went wide and i had to hide my expression.

oaktree- boy oh boy 😩

suna: art classWhere stories live. Discover now