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suna and i walked through the pharmacy door.
the cold blast of air blowing the front pieces of my hair back into my hood.
suna wore a black hoodie and i wore a maroon one.
we both had on joggers and were nervous.

it was 1 am, i couldn't sleep thinking about suna cumming inside of me, so i begged him to drive me to the CVS.
i shouldn't have let him-
i should have told him to pull out but i wasn't thinking.

i can't be pregnant.
i would literally die.

we walked rather suspiciously to the back.
there weren't any other customers at this time.
me and suna split aisles.
"see any"? i asked.
"no". he whispered back.

"let's just go to the lady at the cash register". suna said.
"that's embarrassing". i complained.
he popped his head out the other side of the aisle.
"come on". he stated.

i followed him with my walk of shame to the pharmacy counter, a lady that looked to be mid forties was hunched over the ledge staring back at us silently.
"may i help you"? she sighed.
i gave a awkward smile. "um- do you have any plan b"? i asked.

she slightly smiled herself and then stood up straight, i heard her back crack.
she coughed a little and was responding slowly.
"sweetie your parents have to come get it for you".
she sounded like a heavy smoker too.

" we're of age". suna chimed in.
"really"? she asked raising a brow.
her mannerisms were delayed, like she hadn't slept in days.

"um- yeah". i nodded looking down.
"do you need our ids"? i asked.
"no i don't care that much". she smiled and her gold teeth sparkled.

me and suna glanced at each other.
"sooo, do you have any"? he asked.
she huffed.
"yes hon". she turned around and went into the back for a second, returning with a box.

"it's expensive you know".
the lady said.
suna nodded at her.
"50 bucks". she said ringing it up.

i reached for my wallet in my pocket, until suna put his hand up to stop me.
"i got it". he said.
"are you sure"? i questioned.
"of course". suna declared.

"good on you baby". the woman said to suna.
she leaned back on the counter again.
"the boy outta be the one to buy this shit". she started laughing and it sounded more like a wheeze.

"you're a responsible one ain't ya"? she asked suna.
he swiped his card and shrugged.
"depends on who you ask". he smirked.
"whooo". she said laughing and hitting the counter.
"you remind me of my late husband". she stated.

"are you two- still together"? i asked.
"no sweetheart he's dead". she said back quickly.
it fell silent for a few seconds.
"just kiddin- i wish that son of a bitch was dead, he's just out in florida". she started wheeze laughing again.

"well- good luck to you". she said wiping her tears.
"thank you" me and suna said in sync.
"y'all take a snack or something. ain't gotta pay for it". she said.

we smiled together.
well- that's sweet.

i grabbed a bag of chips and suna grabbed pop tarts and we were on our way.

"why do you think she gave us free snacks"? i asked suna as we sat cuddled up on my bed watching netflix in the dark.

"maybe she liked us". he said back tiredly.
"maybe we reminded her of her young life". i pondered.
"i think you're seeing too deep into it". suna said back.

"don't fall asleep yet". i begged.
"why notttt"? suna asked ready to sleep.
"because i can't sleep. so you can't sleep". i argued.

"what's wrong"? he asked.
"i might be pregnant"?! i exclaimed.
"you're not it's fine". suna replied holding me tighter.
"well- if i was...... what would you do"? i asked nervously.

would he abandon me?
"hm. i would raise the kid i guess". he responded.
"you guess"? i asked back.
"well- i'd be confused and a bit scared but i wouldn't just leave". he said honestly.

"as long as you didn't leave me i would be ok". i said.
"can we name him suna jr"? he asked.
"you idiot.... it would be a girl".

"how do you know"? suna wondered.
"i feel girl genes inside of my eggs". i laughed.
suna pretended to strangle me from behind as i laughed harder.
"i want a boyyyy"!
"then you birth it".

when i woke up.
suna was gone.
but i wasn't upset because i was the one who told him to leave as soon as he opened his eyes.

i didn't want any awkward encounters with my unsuspecting mother so better to leave when it was still dark outside.
6 am i think i heard him get up.

i sat up and rubbed my eyes.
my stomach was hurting really bad all of a sudden.
sharp pains in my side, and a throbbing headache to top it off.

i got out of bed and scoffed at the red stain seeped into my sheets.
damn it.
it was cramps i was feeling.

wait- period blood on my sheets?

this is the first time i've ever been HAPPY to be on my period.
i'm actually thrilled to have bled on my sheets.

geez- i'm glad me and suna had our fun last night because it looks like i'm out of play for the week.


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