Mothers know best

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When I woke up in my own bed, I realized I had dreamed about suna all night. My obsession and fantasizing hadn't stopped just because we were dating now.
I always had a thing for him and now it's only more intense. Every time I see him, or think about him.
There's a feeling in my stomach unmatched by any other.
It's kind of like lust... desire... but so strong that it makes me have to stop what I'm doing and just continue thinking about him.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
I didn't really feel like going to school, but if that's where suna is you bet I'll be there.

I slid out of bed and tiredly searched for a last minute outfit.
I settled on what I would wear and walked to the bathroom to do my hair. 

"Hey". Sunas voice spoke from beside me.
I quickly popped my head up off the desk.
"Art class is kind of dead today". He said as he put his bag down and slid his chair closer to the table.

I nodded. "Yeah I wonder where everybody is".
He was looking over me and i started to fumble with my hands not knowing what to do.
We had gotten so close but now being back at school it felt awkward.

"So what do you think our teacher will say- about us not doing the assignment"? I asked.
Suna smiled and i tilted my head.
"What"? I questioned.
"But we did". He stated as he reached for his backpack.
He opened it, and pulled out a painting of my naked body.
My mouth went wide.
It was- really accurate actually.

"How- and when did you do this"? I asked him.
"Last night. I didn't want to let you get a bad grade".
Well I guess we are partners.
"So, did you take a picture of me... when we...".
My chest got hot as I spoke.
"No no, I did it from memory". He replied.

I was amazed.
"You remember really well". I told him.
He looked down at the table with a boyish smile on his face, his hair was all fluffy and it fell in his eyes as he thought of what to say.
Then he looked up at me, "well it's hard to forget".
My panties... are soaked.

We got a 50 on the project.
Turns out he didn't remember too well that the assignment was to paint each others physical bodies, and not a painting of that persons body.
The teacher was a little taken aback and maybe.., afraid to think that suna stripped me naked to paint me for class.
So I think she gave us a 50 to compensate for the work he put in.

Even if it was completely wrong.

"No- you don't understand, I saw it with my own eyes. My teacher picked up my pencil, and looked me right in the eyes as she stuck it in the sharpener. Then she told me I could borrow her sharpener anytime". Suna said.
He was telling me about how he thought his math teacher was madly in love with him.
Which I said was complete bullshit.
He was very adamant about it though.

Suna handed me a water bottle out of the fridge. I was sweating.
We had been cooking in the kitchen with sunas sister and aone for half an hour.

"What are we making again"? Suna asked aone.
"I don't know- like some noodle things your sister keeps bitching about".
"HEY- don't SAY THAT". She said hitting him in the side.

Suna came up behind me as I stirred sauce in a bowl. He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck.
"You look so hot when you cook". He whispered.
"GET THE HELL OUT THE KITCHEN"!- sunas sister said hitting him in the face with a towel.

"What dog behavior". Aone said sarcastically mocking him as he tried to do the same thing to his girlfriend.
Before long the both of them were banished to the living room to watch tv while we finished the food.

"It smells so good". I said trying to make small talk. I didn't know how to really feel about being left alone with just sunas sister in the kitchen. We hadn't really talked one on one before.

"Yeah it does". She stated back.
"Have you... noticed if suna has been acting strange lately? Like- does he seem sad". She questioned me.

I paused, "no- why would he be"? I replied.
It seems like he's doing great. I mean as his girlfriend I hope I would know if something was wrong.

"Well... you know he loves his art a lot. But our mother has never felt the same way about it. She actually despises the fact his school even allows it and she thinks it makes him act out of character... she told him last night that she was going to send him to live with our dad in Washington state".

"WHAT"?! I asked nearly flipping the bowl over.
She nodded.
"So he didn't tell you yet". She said.
"No I've heard nothing about this"! I responded.

She put a hand to her face. "I'm sorry- I thought he would have told you by now". She said.

"But... your mom is never even here. Why would she care"? I asked.
"Our mom lives about 30 minutes away from here- she thought suna and I could live on our own. She doesn't know I stay at my college and let suna usually live alone. She would never agree to that".

I shook my head. "So she thinks you two live together all the time"? I asked.
Sunas sister nodded and went to the sink to wash her hands.

I'm sure he will tell you when he feels ready. Just try not to think to hard about it, and have a good dinner. Suna doesn't need unnecessary pressure". She stated.

suna: art classWhere stories live. Discover now