Chapter 18

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-The wedding

(Tao & Megan)

(Megan's POV)

I got back to my room and seen Kris staring at me like-OMO-You-look-beautiful.
"You look magazine amazing."
"Okay everyone it's Showtime." Sehun walked in and yelled.
"Are you already to go Megan."
"F*ck. yeah let's do this" I said then I walked out and walked but kinda ran to the doors to get to Kris because I don't have parents Kris will be the one to have the honour of walking me out!
The doors flew open and I seen everybody there looking at me even Tao's mum & dad.
What the hell man!!!
"I'm so nervous Kris. What if Tao isn't the guy I have always dreamed of... What if something happens..... What if we break up... OMO what if he leaves me for another woman and leave my kids without a father."
"Don't worry Megan you will not regret this hopefully. Tao has never loved someone as much as you.... He said himself that no one will ever replace you in his heart and if someone does he said he will kill himself."
"What umm.....okay...."
We got to Tao and kris handed me to Tao and Kris said.
"Don't hurt her of else I will hunt you down I will find you and I will kill you understand. Mr.Huang."
"Yes sir Kris I won't I love her to much." Tao said looking at me with a smile,
"Good lad, Good bye Megan," Kris said as he walked to the side.
"Bala Bala Bala Bala Bala Bala.... You may now kiss the bride." The father demanded.
"Come here you!" Tao said as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in and kissed me and the kiss turned all passionate and then Tao bit my lower lip and pulled and hugged me tightly while the crowd went wild.....
-{we went to the reception and went on our honeymoon }
-We walked into the hotel room, Tao just stood there looking at me for a long time as I walked into one of the bed room....
I walk into a bedroom and plunked onto the bed and closed my eyes...
Then in like 17secs of quiet and peace.... I felt a hand going up the inside of my leg and up my dress. Then a big body came crawling over me.
"Ouch. Tao my head and neck hurts." I said about to cry...
"Would you like me to kiss it better?" He said with all Aegyo in his voice.
"Yes please." I said with a smirk on my face.
Tao went to my head and kissed it and worked his way down from my forehead and to nose and to my LIPS. Then he went down to my neck, which really made me lose my sense of thinking.......


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