Chapter 13

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(Megan's POV)

I woke up with Tao on top of me starring at me with a sad face.
"Whats up Tao is everything okay." I said about kiss him.
"Why do u fall asleep." He said about to get up.
He was about to get up but I pulled him down and kissed him on his neck. He just layed there enjoying it. I just looked at him and he still had his eyes closed so I pulled him next to me on the bed..... He put his arms around me hugging me tightly.... He wanted me to hug back but I grabbed on to his neck and wouldn't let go....
"What are u doing" he said trying to poke my side.
I just acted like a ghost to tease him...
"Being spooky what do u think." I said tickling his sides.
He just laughed and started pocking my sides. I just fall off the bed and onto the floor laughing hard.
"Did u enjoy that Megan." He said coming onto the floor as well.
He hovered over me teaseingly like i didn't want him to.
"Well yeah I guess so!" I said trying to push him away from me.
he leans in towards me and kisses me while trying to cup my cheeks. My face felt really hot.... I pulled out and tried to get up to sit on the bed but he kept on grabbing onto my waist and pulling me down. I turned around and kissed his forehead and pulled him up into the bed with me.
"What u do that for woman." He said pulling me closer.
"Nothing just-"
"Just what teasing me.... U better stop or else." He said looking at me with a death stare.
"Or else what?" I said with a worried face.
"Or else I'll kick u out of Exo's dorm." He said with a dead chilling tone.
"WHAT WHY. WHAT ARE U SAYING." I said with my voice raised.
"U better stop or I will." He said with no eye contact.
"Fine I will move out then I have this house and my two kids so yes okay thanks for the idea, oh yeah just so u know I'm breaking up with you." I said walking out of my room.
Tao ran after me and Dropped to the floor and stopped me and hugged me and cried and kissed me on my leg.
"N-No don't leave me please. I'm sorry Megan just please stay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said pulling me closer to him and pulling me down to the floor where he was.
He eventually got me to his level and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I pulled on his hair. And he screamed in pain I got up and headed down stairs and was about to get my keys from the kitchen. Tao was standing right behind me when I went to turn around....
"Why are u doing this?" He said with tears falling from his eyes.
"I'm leave u and bringing the kids with me, since you said your going to kick me out anyway. Your famous and don't have no time for me and the kids anyway. So I'm breaking up with u, and leaving you." I said pushing him out of the way.
"Please Megan don't do this to me. If u haven't been here and if I didn't love u so much, I don't know if I would be crying right now." He said with a sorry look.
"Well u should of thought about that before-" I said before I fell to the floor crying and numb because of this pain I'm feeling.
"Oh no Megan are u okay." He said picking me up and putting me on his lap on the couch.
"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I said getting up.
I tried to move but I couldn't my vision went blurry.
"Tao kiss me." I said quickly.
"What?" He said confused.
"Do u want me to die.... Kiss me." I said.
And in an instant he kissed me with his loving lips....
Slowly my vision got clearer and my body got more energy and slowly by slowly I kissed him back. I felt a smile form on his face. I pulled out and ran up stairs and screamed out.
"Why does this guy love me so much. Why do I love him so min I don't even have to guts to actually walk out of my house without him. Ugh this guy is so awesome." I said before the front door open. I ran out onto my veranda to see him wearing his jacket and walking towards my car.
"What are u doing. Please come back." The minute I said that he looked up and me and ran inside and up stair and out to me and kissed me so hard that my lips started hurting......
"Please Megan don't do that again-"
"Exactly" I said to butt in.
He just picked me up like a baby and put me carefully on the bed right in the middle of the bed. He took off his shirt and laid next to me hugging me really tight. I just put my arm around him and hugged him back.
"I love u." He said kissing me forehead.
"I Love u to." I said kissing chest lovingly and tenderly.
We laid there for 1 hour just enjoying each other company. He turned his head towards me looking at me with that cheeky smirk of his.
"Tao what's that face for" I said without looking at him.
" your just so beautiful when your eyes are closed." When he said that I immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I sat on the toilet and looked at the ring on my finger and said to myself.
"Okay Megan this is a quiz u have to answer it honestly-
Do I really love this guy: Yes.
Does he love u: Yes.
Do u want him: Yes I do.
Do u think he wants-" I was about to answer that when he came in and looked at me.
"Yes I do." He said looking at me with his sexy eyes with I smirk on his face.
" What. U do!" I said looking at him with widen eyes.
He pulled me closer into him and kissed me. He circled his hands around my back.
I didn't kiss back. I could see the disappointment in his face. So i grabbed his thighs and moved my hands up 'n' down so he would kiss me more passionately. He grabbed my hair and picked me up, placed me against the wall, he started kissing me on my neck, he Stripped me from head to toe. I unbuckle his pants and they fell straight off. He grabbed straight onto me and carried me to the bed and placed me down and kissed my lips.....
"Are u sure your wanting this Megan." I just couldn't help but enjoy what he was doing, so I just nodded at him. H crawled up on top of me and in-twirled our hands together as he lowered himself on top of me.. I started moaning in a very weird way.
"Yes I suppose so." When I said that he started again with his moments of peace and safety and Security that I felt when I was with him......
"I want u so bad Megan." He said holding onto my waist.


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