Charpter 5

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Then the unexpected happen.

4 months later.

It has nearly 5 months and nobody has noticed, we never actually told anyone what the doctor said so, nobody knows yet,
Everything was fine till kris came in to our room and saw me naked it was very uncomfortably disturbing because he was half naked so....
"Ahhh, what are u doing in here,' sorry I'm running away from luhan he is trying to strip me to smack my bum for saying something that I didn't actually mean?"
" so u thought u would come in here,' ya since luhan isn't aloud in here because it's tao's and your room,'ok but why didn't u grab your pant on the way,' because he's got them,'oh never mind then here wear some of tao's for now? ' I'm not aloud, ' WHAT, why not."
"Because tao has a thing for clean things and dirty thing,"
"Ok, listen has tao's told u?"
"Told me what, that he's dumping u!"
"What he's dumping me?"
"Oh no that was just an expression,"
"Good because I would just walk out right if only I wasn't pregnant and buying stuff for it and...."
"WHAT, your pregnant."
"Shh, um maybe, maybe not, but please kris don't tell anyone please don't neither of us were going to tell any of u until someone notices,"
"Everybody new that u were pregnant or something from when u guys came back because u two were so happy, we all new it was something."
Knock knock.
"Shh kris come in here just in case it's Tao 😄"
"Hello' hello can I come in please, it's me babe,"
"Ya sure why not,"
"Is kris in here."
"Um maybe, not maybe,'please tell me it's important, ' yes,' where,"
"Kris come out, he found u,"
Kris went out and tao started talking to me about the hole ideal and of telling them that I'm pregnant, so I told him that kris told me that they all ready new, just as I started to kiss tao luhan came in and said congrats and walked out, then all of them said the same thing except for sehun, "what's wrong sehun my deer and cutest member that I know of in the hole world, what's wrong,"
"Oh nothing other then that I wish u were my sexy pregnant loving tenderly caring engaged to me girlfriend! I mean it, I really do love u,' WOW that was amazing what u just said I love u too and between u and me I would change tao for u in a heartbeat, ok that's how much I love u too.☺️😘"
"Megan, what did u just say?" Tao said softly,
"I was talking about what I was going to say to night u know for the B.A.B.Y, and I was asking sehun whether he thought it was ok to say😅,"
"Well ok because I thought u said how much u would change me for sehun,' no no I was... I just told u what I did,"
"Sehun I was only kidding but I ment what I said to u," I said in a whisper, so Tao couldn't hear me.

A new morning had come and I felt sick Tao rushed me to the doctors for a X-Ray and the doctor said
"There's nothing out of the ordinary so long as u now u have twins!!"
"Wow now I have twins wow that's great."
"Tao babe how do u feel about this, is this what u want?"
" what ever u want my deer is my command."
"Ok love u"

Later that day!!!!!!!

I was in my shower and I could hear anything but Tao kissing on my neck, then (BAM) I just glance down at my tummy and wonder whether this was a good idea then while I was enjoying his loving lips in my tender part of my neck, like I said as I glance down to look at my tummy I see blood on the floor of the shower,
"Oh no,'what, what, are u ok my sexy girl,'yes I am but the babies might not be,' why,' because I just had a bit of blood come out of me, ' ya so, oh ya I forgot it means something like when the woman has blood come out during pregnancy it means she has lost the baby, oh no after all that work wondering what the pains you were in! NOOOO.
Tao said while crying 😭😩
I said that we could go and get another X- Ray in the morning to see if one went or both! Ok I love u MMMWWWAAAA."

We enjoyed ourselves that night to relax our bodies from the could or could not be stress, it was lovely:
(Kiss me here ah ah kiss me there ah ah,)

Authors note.
This was only a thought so hoped u like chapter 5
Give me on some advise on some new thought in my next to come chapters, and remember vote and comment love u guys.

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