Charpter 11

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In big trouble.

(Tao's POV)

I kissed he lips and she had trouble breathing.
So I stopped and hugged her till she fell back to sleep.

When we woke Megan was wearing her undies only and no shirt no nothing.
Nothing upper only something underneath. It made me uncomfortable so I took off my shirt. I cuddled against her, she turned around and kissed my chest. I kissed her cheeks one by one, over and over.
"What the hell are u doing man." She said looking at me lovingly.
"Kissing you, why" I said with cheeky smirk.
"Stop I'm trying to sleep." She said teasingly.
I pocked her sides until she moved on top of me.
"Your really a guy aren't you." She said cupping my cheeks.
"Yes what do u think I am. A girl." I said tickling her.
She put my face in her chest. I moved my face to her neck. I breathed on her neck. She stopped and started kissing me on my forehead. I put my hand inside her shirt and circled my hand around, she stopped and sat up and reached for my pants I sat my put her back on the back and told her.
"No. Not this time. just because u want it doesn't mean I do" I said with a serious tone.
She looked at me while risking and eyebrow. She was so suducive. So I just kiss her on her lips and she reached for my pants again I let her. But she didn't undo them she just placed her hands in between each of our spaces so we didn't touch.
LuHan came in....
"AAAHHHHHH, WHY ARE U IN HERE LUHAN OPPA." She yelled while in the middle of moaning. She's so cute.

(LuHan's POV)

I wanted to say sorry to Megan for what I did to her...
I walked into there room and seen them kissing each other so passionately.
"AAAHHHHHH, WHY ARE U IN HERE LUHAN OPPA." She yelled while in the middle of moaning. She's so funny. I came and sat on the bed and looked into Megan's eyes and said.
"Megan.... I'm so sorry for what I did to u...... I know I hurt u so I'm really sorry." I said with a tear about to fall.
"It's okay LuHan Oppa. I know u like me.... And want me ..... It's okay LuHan I understand." She said as Her lips kissed his cheek.
I blushed and walked out smiling..

(Megan's POV)

I kissed LuHan on his cheek. He blushed and walked out smiling. I turned my head and looked at Tao and he was shocked at what I said to LuHan. I tried to kiss his lips but he jumped up and went into the bathroom and had a shower. I sneaked into the bathroom and jumped into the shower with my clothes on. I hug Tao from behind.
"Ah what are u doing in here.?" He said shocked
"Hugging u, what do u think babe." I said as I kissed his back.
"Well don't do that. GOT IT." He said as he raised his voice.
I turned him around and pinned him against the wall and looked straight into His eyes. It was killing me to see that he didn't make an effort to fight back. He put his hands on my waist and pushed me off him. He tickle my sides so I punched his arm. (Not hard)
"AHH. WHAT WAS THAT FOR." He yelled and pinned me against the wall.
He put his hands on my waist and pulled me really close, and he put himself against me and closed the distance between our lips.
We stood there for 5 mins and Kris walked in naked. We didn't realise that he was until he tried to get in the shower and saw me and Tao kissing.
"Get out u. It's my turn with Tao." Kris said pulling me away from Tao.
I got my phone and videoed the scene....
Kris did a joke and stood in front of Tao. Tao didn't open his eye and forgot that I had moved and he kissed Kris on the lips. How gay. Tao still didn't look and started syncing his lips. Kris didn't move he enjoyed it and kissed him back. Tao put one hand on Kris's waist and on kris's neck.
I pulled Kris away and Tao finally looked and found that he was kissing Kris. they were both naked. They were both shocked......
I quickly ran got a towel and wrapped it around me and ran to the other members and showed them.
"What did Tao just kiss kris. Like he kisses u." Chen said laughing.
"Yeah he was like..... C'mon babe we can do this... Kiss me. Then because Kris was there he just kissed kris.. And kris kissed back. It's gay but it was funny." I said part laughing.
Tao came in and grabbed waist and pulled me into the bathroom and said
" sorry for kissing kris........ there was nothing there, I just thought that he was u. I'm sorry." He said bitting his lip.
"I pulled him close and kissed for a reason that's why I let u kiss him as well." I said with no contact.
"Wh-" he tried to say.
But I pushed him back and he fell onto the bathtub and I sat on him. I was now riding him. I leaned forward and hugged him and he just hugged me back. We were there for a good 10min. Chen and lay came in and didn't notice that we were in here and they kissed each other and hopped onto the shower together. I thought Tao was gay. When Chen and Lay were acting like they were as-well.
"Let's go shall we." Tao said as I stood up.
"Yeah we'll leave these to gay boys to make love!" I said to tease them.
Chen got out of the shower and chased me. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around and hugged me. He looked into my eyes and tickled me till I fell on the floor. I stood up and got my revenge. I tickled him and his towel fell off showing me his pale toned abs.
"Wow your abs are so-" I said before Chen leaned in and kissed me while Tao wasn't looking. I kissed him back, I could feel that he smiled throughout the kiss..... I pulled out and told him.
"Go have your shower. U got what u wanted, a kiss, now go." I said turning around walking away.

(Chen's POV)

She tickled me and made me drop my towel on the floor.
"Wow your abs are so-" she said before I could help myself from her beauty so I kissed her while Tao wasn't looking... She kissed me back I smiled through the kiss.... She pulled out and told me.
"Go have your shower. U got what u wanted, a kiss, now go." She said turning around and walking away.
I went and had my shower after I went and told the rest of the members what I did. And they were shocked but proud of me for doing it.
Chanyeol came up to me and hugged me for doing that.
I felt bad because she's not my girl but it felt good to kiss her because I think I'm falling in love with her.

(Tao's POV)

Megan came to me and pushed me back on the bed and sat on me like she thought she defeated me. I tickled her and she came crashing down. She hit her face on my chest, she looked at me with a death penalty stare. She kissed me on my lips and took my shirt. I felt so drowned by her kisses. The way her lips took a long time before detaching.

(Megan's POV)

I kissed him on his lips and seen him enjoying it so I just pull him over so that he's the one on top. I kissed him long and hard. His kiss moved to my neck, he was like a knit in shining armour..... He bit my neck and sucked on it with all his might. I felt like he had broke the skin and was drinking my blood. He looked at me and went back to my neck to kiss where he had just bit it. I felt my hole world fall into water drowning me with every moment and every feeling.
He stopped and looked at me and a smirk on his face.
"Are u okay can I stop now im tied." He said while he's closing his eyes.
I just kissed his forehead and said.
"Good night Mr.Huang Zi Tao." I said before going to sleep.


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