Charpter 12

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The day I thought I died.

I got woken up by my babies crying. I jumoed up to see there was all of the Exo members inhere and the room was shaking. I looked at the bed to see Huang Zi Tao still sleeping but slowly looking at see whats going on. I picked my babies up and gave on to Tao and said.
"Everyone in the bathroom." i said looking at everything break and fall.
everyone pilled into the bathroom 9 of them went in to the bathtub while Kris, Suho, D.O, Me were standing in up on the side of the bath. Tao held one of the babies and i held one.
"Hold Dexter tight okay" i said to Tao.
he looked at me and nodded.

(A/N the babies names are. Dexter and Amber.)

While Kris and Suho And D.O were hugging me tightly because of Amber.
"Are u okay Megan, is Amber okay." Tao said looking at me worried.
"Yeah we are fine, i think." i said crying.
Kris hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"Oh my baby girl. Everything is gonna be alright." He sang with a whisper.
I woke with a kiss from Tao on my lips.....
"Morning sunshine. How did u sleep" Tao said holding me bridal style and placing me on the bed. I got up and noticed that only dexter was here and not Amber.
"Where's my baby girl. Amber where are u." I said starting to cry.
"We don't need her we have one that enough." He said teasingly.
"How dare u!" I said before I slapped his face and walked out of the room.
I could here Other members saying 'oooooohhhhhhhh' I walked out of the room and seen Kris in the kitchen feeding Amber. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind.
"Oh hey..... How u holding up." He said turning around to hug me back.....
"I'm stressed and Tao is not helping me." I said as I dropped to the floor crying like these pains are killing me. I see Tao running at me with his arms open.
"What's up babe." He said kissing my ear.
"Nothing I'm just stressed. I mean look at everything it's wrecked to bits. Not to mention what my house is going to look like. OMO WHAT I NEED TO DO IS CHECK MY HOUSE." I said as I yelled. I jumped up and ran to my car and drove to my house.
I walked up to the the door and when I opened it nothing was moved or Broken, nothing had fallen. It was weird. I drove back to The Dorm. When I got to the door I felt like I would be rude if I just walked in so I knocked.....
The door opened and I saw Kris.
"Oh hey Kris," I said
"Hey not bad, how are u, how was your house?" He giving a welcoming hug.
"I'm fine fine. My place was perfect.... Where is Tao?" I said with a serious tone.
"Okay....... H-He is out the back." He said shuddering.
"O-Okay. Thanks." I said walking off towards where Tao was.
I walked up behind him and tickled his side which caused him to fall onto the floor.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH." He screamed.
"Sorry babe. I just was wanting to-" I said before he slapped my face.
"Ugh.........." I said heavy before falling on the floor....... everything went black.
I woke up looking at a White ceiling. I looked around to find the member all starring at me like I was dead. Then I heard a continuous beeping sound I looked at the my meter and it said that I had died. The doctors came rushing in and tried to revive me, but was to late I looked at everybody and said as loud as I possibly could.
"Say goodbye to Tao for me guys okay I-I-I Love u all." I said before my vision went blank. I could feel my body dying and slowly falling into darkness.
"No my Megan, baby no, don't leave me yet , come on babe please. Don't u dare close those eyes don't u dare close those, no u can't." He said as I closed my eyes.
I felt myself open my eyes. I couldn't see anything but black walls and white curtains and people with white dresses on. Am I dead is this heaven.
"Megan u have to wake up now." A voice said.
I just closed my eyes and dreamed of Tao and Me Kissing which gave me hope.
"Okay I will awaken. I will awaken." I yelled
I opened my eyes and took a big deep breathe and sucked on my finger and saw everyone that I knew was here in front of me on chairs..... I looked around and seen Tao sitting in the front row crying. I sat up and everyone looked at me like I was a ghost. Tao ran up to me and knelt down and touched my face. I could tell that he was very much upset. And going to cry even more.
"Tao I'm here, I will never leave again." I said getting out of the cot I was in. I hugged him and he just looked shocked to see me as if I was dead.
"Is this really u, *sniffs* are u really here with me." He said crying on my shoulder.
He just stood up and looked at everybody and said.
"Can all of u see her. Is she really here or am I seeing a ghost." He said looking at everybody.
All of them yelled out yes and she actually here, omg and wow it's a miracle.
Kris brought me my babies and Amber was so big she could almost walk now?? What?? Amber walking.... How long was I out for??? I just hugged my little girl and she screamed out.
"Mama's back." Amber yelled. I hugged her and she hugged me back I kissed he forehead and she kissed me. She's so big now, and she can talk??? Wow I must of been out for a long time.
"I just didn't want to die not yet I had a voice in my head saying WAKEY WAKEY come on u can't die yet so I said I would wake up, and here I am, I'm awake and alive to live some more of my life with my Boyfriend almost husband. And my growing up my two kids. I can't die yet I have to much responsibility on my hands I can't just leave and let Tao do all that no way. Never would I do that." I said kissing Tao and hugging him lovingly.
Everyone was so happy that I wasn't dead. I was happy I wasn't dead. Tao was happy, Amber my baby girl was happy, Dexter was happy to see me again. The other members were to they even cried when they saw me walking and talking and alive. I cried to see everybody here for me. Stephanie was with LuHan hugging him crying on his shoulder.......
We got home and all of us were here even Stephanie. I was in the middle of Tao and Sehun. Sehun kissed my lips In front of Tao. I kissed back but hugged him while in the middle. Tao didn't notice because he was Talking to LuHan and Stephanie and there relationship.
"So what do u want to do first Missy." Tao said smirking like a evil villain.
"Umm I don't know." I said looking down at his pants and back at his face. I looked at his lips and licked my lips while looking at his perfect face.
"Well maybe we could take the kids to my mums and let her watch them for the rest of the day if u want so u and me can have some time to catch up on what's happened and what u missed and where u should of been instead of in a box left for dead." He said holding my hands.
"No no it's fine the member are fine watching them, aren't u guys I know Sehun and Kris like looking after the two. Nope it's okay we can still have just us time but we can go back to my place so it's just us, if u want." I said as I kissed his cheek.
"Okay that would be great." He said hugging me.
"Okay.... I really need to catch up on so many thing because of how long I was gone for." I said about to cry. I could hear them going to cry because of what happened today.
"Don't cry please don't I might not be able to cope if u do." I said hugging each one of them.
"Shall we go now." Tao said looking at me with a sad face.
"Yes we shall." I looked at Kris and nodded at him and pointed at my kids and he nodded back. I looked at Sehun and did them same and he nodded.
"O-Okay thanks guys for being here for me, your fabulous people." I said crying and taking deep breathes.
"Goodbye my beautiful baby girl I'll be back in a few hours okay behave okay." I said hugging Amber.
"Yes mummy" she said running at Sehun.
He picked her up and hugged her tightly.
"She really loves u doesn't she." I said hugging the both of them.
"Yes I do mummy I love Sehun mummy so much." She said doing Aegyo, puppy eyes. "Aww your so cute I love u very much to." He said kissing her cheeks.
"Mummy can Sehun stay with me." She said hugging Sehun with her hands around his neck.
"Yes deer u can stay with Sehun as long as u keep him from misbehaving then that's fine with me." I said as I kissed he cheek.
"Yes mummy. Mummy....mummy... Is Sehun my daddy?" She said looking at him.
I just looked at her and widened eyes.
"What Sehun is not your father. Your Tao daughter. Amber why would u say such a thing." I said looking at amber with a serious face.
"Sehun looks like me mummy that's why. Is Sehun my man." She said looking at his face and looking back at me.
"Does he. Yes deer Sehun is your man." I said looking at Sehun cheekily.
"Thanks Megan." he said looking at Amber so lovingly. If only Amber was not 2 then Sehun could date her and be friends with her like that. if u know what I mean.
We said our goodbye. Amber was in love with Sehun so much. It was cute.
Tao picked me up bridal style and placed me in the car. We took my car. Tao drove back to my place..... Be brought me inside and took me upstairs and placed me on the bed.
He went down and brought me stuff up.....
He layer on the bed next to me and looked at my face.
"I love Megan." He said sitting on his side looking at me.
"I love u to Huan-" I wanted to say before he cut me off my a kiss.
The kiss was so loveable and tender. All of my energy was being taken by him. He got up on top of me. And layered himself on me. I gave a little moan. I could feel a smile form On his face while kissing my neck.
We are still trying so hard. When my phone got a text message.
"Who is it babe." He said reaching for my phone.
"It's Sehun." I said with a smile.
"Give me that" he said angrily
"No it's my phone I'm reading it first." I said with a dead serious tone which made him move away quickly.
'Mummy it's me. Are u going home to make bothers and sisters for me to play with?'
"Really babe why would u say that." I said looking at my phone Smiling really big.
"What did he say." Tao said about to get up.
"It wasn't him talking it was amber." I said kissing his chest.
"Okay what did my daughter say." He said lovingly.
'Yes my Little Queen. U will get some more brothers and sisters soon okay I promise.' I rote back.
I smiled at Tao and put my phone down. He just looked at me with a confused look.
"Well wh-" he said before I pushed into him which made him want more so he started again...........

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