Chapter 4

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The surprise!

Hi everyone I said as I walked into the room tao and beakhyun were sitting in the lounge room and xuimin was making breakfast,
" So did u two do anything special last night," xuimin said in a loudly whisper.
" No, Not other then do the usual, get together then sleep." Tao said in a mumble.
" WHAT, So u guy had a fun night I'm guessing,"
"Well u could say that, ya." I whispered.
Tao gave me a look that he had never given me before it was like a disappointing face with sad in his eyes I didn't know what to think?
I pulled Tao aside and asked him,
" why the long face, babe talk to me please, :("
"Well I just didn't want to tell them that was all they know everything about what I like and don't like so I just wanted to not tell them this time but u had to go off and tell them didn't u ?"
"Sorry I didn't know that if u had just told me when I walked out I wouldn't of told them, ok, we ok now, I hope so, I love u."

I felt a bit woozy for a second and Tao grabbed my arms and sat me on his lap on the lounge and asked me was I all right, I said that I had never felt like this before, it was wired.
" maybe she's,' shh don't say anything for the minute."
" are u ok do u need to go to the doctors or hospital???" Tao said with a caring voice.
"I don't know maybe the doctors but not the hospital."
"Ok I'll take strat after I eat this so go get changed into something that u are comfortable in, and I'll take u :)."

'Half an hour later'

We were both sitting there in the waiting room and waiting for the results from the tests.
' Megan, Tao.' The doctor called we were expecting him to say something like , u have an infection or, u are never to have sex again but no nothing to do with that after a few minute the doctor said,
"Well guys u did an amazing job,"
"What do u mean?" Tao said with a scared voice.
"Well it seems to me like your wife or girlfriend here is um.."
"Well what...?" I said
"Well pregnant."
" WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW? I'm said.
"No it can't be, we have been doing it safe though how."
Ya Tao we have, except for our engagement night,"
" oh man what are we going to tell the others?"
"We will just have to tell them, but only when someone notices it ok,
Ok thanks doctor /;-)"
" your pregnant oh my, this is soling that I didn't plan for what are we going to call it, where are we going to put the stuff, oh man I just thought are we going to have to change the poopy dippers," Tao said in a panic.
While Tao was have a panic attack I was trying to think whether to put some of the stuff at my place or all of it. :( I don't know.

In the morning Tao stayed in bed with me while I woke up just to make sure I wasn't going to be sick again .
#Morning sickness#

I love my life with Tao it was great till.......

To be continued....
How was the surprise hoped
U liked it, it was hard to put
That together anyway comment,
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A push of a Botton so ya love u guys.

Hoped u like it Amber Thompson.

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