Chapter 3

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The Engagement.

In the morning, I woke up before Tao, I kept thinking to myself what Kris said,

( oh I didn't tell u did I, when If I did or didn't, kris said that Tao was going to ask me to marry him, but Tao don't tell me but I asked kris what Tao said,) (last night.)

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said it was like I was dead, I wasn't moving wasn't talking I really wasn't doing anything but moving my eyes around everywhere.

The fact is, I can't wait for him to ask but the fact that I am waiting,

makes me nervous, but what if kris only said that so I would say something that would change his mind? Because kris was giving me what was like his sexy stare it made me feel really special inside to know someone notices me I mean someone else other then Tao and that's when I ask kris about what Tao said because Tao pulled him aside to talk to him and I wanted to know what Tao.

Anyway back to the main point of the story,

I couldn't stop thinking about it, then suddenly Tao sat up and pulled me back down to hug me.

I thought to myself, ' I am so special to have Tao as my boyfriend you know because he is in EXO., I JUST RELAXED than the door bell rang,

Tao got up to get it, it was just baekhyun asking to use the bathroom, and your probably asking how I new, well Tao told me when I asked who it was, that's when he told me. Baekhyun looks so cute with his hair do, then luhan comes,

"Tao Tao, Kris has just gone to Canada to get his licence to be in EXO and the concert is in 11 hours,"

"WHAT!, how can he just leave us like this, I don't believe he just did that, why does he need a licence to be in EXO."

"How can he just go," Baekyun said.

"That's not fair? :( " Tao said.

"Why would he need a licence to be in EXO anyway?" I say

" Well u do need legal papers to be in EXO so that if anyone of us gets arrested we have prove that we are in EXO." Baekyun said

"Oh... Ok.... What? I don't under,"

3 hours later!

Knock knock


The door luhan and baeckhyun are with me at the moment Tao is going off at kris for leaving so late before the show!

Luhan got the door, OMG Tao comes out and says" kris should be here right now."

"Has anyone got a surprise package that they ordered , Tao its for u."

"Wow kris why would u do that,"

2 hours later

We Are at dinner Tao stands up and gives an announcement,

"Me and Megan are getting married,"


"Ya we spoke together about it and u though it would be a good idea."

"No that was kris u spoke to but anyway 'oh my god ' I'm so lucky marrying an EXO member aahh,"

We still have to organise the hole wedding and all but Ya.

"I'm so happy for u Tao." Luhan said

"Thanks luhan." Tao said with a massive smile.

Everybody said congrats to us I felt so special it was great to hear that from Tao.

After that we were an our way to the 'Greater hall in Korea' their performance was fantastic there Chinese & Korean was amazing.

They got all the girls were so crazy for luhan I couldn't believe it and he even showed his abs to the crowd OMG he looked like he had an 8 pack they where great but tao's are more smoother then what others looked like......

Authors note

Hope u like chapter 3 Im still going on chapter 4im going to Melbourne for a week so i won't be updating for a while unless I have time hope u enjoyed it >:-)

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