Chapter 9

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The best night ever.

(Tao's POV)

"Don't make me wait, Okay" She said as she pushed my broad shorts down.
I just let her suduce me into her. I kissed her neck she was sending me chills down my spin. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. She didn't want me to stop. I had kissed her for 10 mins before she grabbed me from underneath. I started to moan like a stupid person because of what she was doing to me. She was like a goddess with what she does to me. We switched positions and this time she was on-top of me. She was such a tease when she looks at me an chuckled. I was going to jump on top of her when she sat up and kissed my neck.
" 'AH' " I moaned.
I looked at her and she looked like she was enjoying kissing my neck. I switched our positions and I was now on-top of her and she was still kissing my neck, and hard.
She was making her way down to my chest.... I brought her head up to my level And kissed her lips. I kissed her neck and breathed on it. She moaned and brought herself right up against and looked into my eyes and said....
"Give it to me like I am dying and u don't want me to die ok. Give it to me Tao. Give to it me harder. Harder.'AAAHHHHH' " she said as she let out a screaming moan followed by a hug that lasted for a long time.
We were hugging for a while when she kissed my lips and closed her eyes and slept with me on top of her....

(Kris's POV)

I heard the two of them out in the lounge room kissing so I went out there and whispered.
"Guys take it to your room." as I said that, Tao turned and looked at me.
He picked Megan up bridal style and took her to the room. Before Megan shut the door she said
"Don't make me wait. Okay." She said sexily, which made me jealous.
I quickly stood against the door and listened to the noises they were making and taped them with my sound recorder. They didn't know so it was good. They were so pleasuring each other and it made me feel uncomfortable. So I stopped and listened to tape and when I heard that I was clear I took it to the members and got them to listen. LuHan got red cheeks after listening to it and so did Chen, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, lay and I did to.
LuHan walked out of the room and left the building.
"I guess he's jealous then hey." Sehun said with a chuckled.
"Yeah but I guess he's going to get his girl to do the same thing." Suho said with a pale face while laughing.
I walked out of the room and seen LuHan burst the front door open while he's kissing his girl like these no tomorrow.
"LuHan what the fudge are u doing?" I yelled as he looked at me with a freaky face.
"Nothing just wanting to make love to my girl." He said as he put her down.
I just looked at him with a disgusted face.
"Hi my name is Stephanie, LuHan's girlfriend. As u can see!!" She said with a smile as she hugged me with her loving warm arms.
"Let's go to my room shall we." LuHan said as she followed.
"What do u think your doing LuHan." Tao said as LuHan turned around.
"Nothing I'm going to make love to my girl just like u did with Megan.!" LuHan said as Tao widened his eyes.
"Yeah I know what u did there u naughty maknae." LuHan said with scary face while he pointed at Tao.
LuHan just ignored Tao and walked into the room and shut the door and locked it. Tao run up to the door and ear dropped and Taped what they were doing just like I did with them.

(LuHan's POV)

Stephanie layer on my bed and stretched out her body as I poked her sides. She screamed.
"Ahhhh LuHan stop please aaahhhhh stop please your hurting me. I'm serious." She yelled.
I stop and tried to undress her slowly. But she kept on pushing me backwards and forwards like she had done this before .
"Have u done this before." I said with c a smirk.
"No have u!!!" She said scared
We made out for a good 30 mins before she tried to pull my shirt off. I just let her because I wanted her to take over me like in the movies...
She just took off my clothes and left her clothes she layered herself on the bed and said.
"Your turn to suduce me. Come on, I got u pumped but i'm not, So your turn." She said with a smile.
I got up and sat on her and she moved me down onto her low part of her. I slowly leaned forwards her and kissed her lips softly and pulled her shirt slowly from behind. She just sat up slowly and pulled me in and kissed my neck. She was ready but was I.
She just layer back and closed her eyes while I put my hands on her low part of her pant and unbuckled her belt and slowly pulled her pant down and seen she's wearing the most sexiest panties ever. Black with red around the rim of them and black lace on the front and the back... I slowly pulled them down while looking at her face smiling because she's the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I lifted her up and took her bra off. While in the middle of pulling her pants down. Once I had taken her bra off she looked at me with a smile.
"Don't make me hurt u to hurry up. I'm leaving u soon If u don't hurry." She said with her eyes closed.
I pulled her pants off as quick as she said that so that she would be fully naked. I leaned forward and kissed her neck with all my lips and strength. She moaned.
When I move down she move herself up and when I moved up she moved self down so that we could sync in more with each other.
When she got close I pulled out so I could keep going. She hated me for doing it but that's what I've always wanted to do when I make love so that it lasts longer.
"That's it got off me. If won't let me cûm then I'm leaving." She said about to get up.
So I started by quickly pushing myself in and out of her and she quickly câm just like that...... She leaned forward and kissed me and urged me to do it again.... So I did. She pushed away from me and just kept on moving closer she punched my arm so pushed harder making her scream really hard. She was about to cûm when the door bursted open and Tao and Kris came in and dragged me off Stephanie while Megan took Stephanie away from me.
"Your a monster LuHan." Stephanie said about to cry.
"How could u hurt her like that u dirty slut.!!" Tao said hitting my in the face. Megan came in and pulled the to boys away from me and put them outside while she and I were in the room.
"Why did u let her trust u and then u go hurt her like that LuHan." I said but I ignored her. She kissed me on my cheek and grabbed my lower part which made me jump and look at her and she said.
"If u hurt a girl like that again I like rip it off." I said as I pulled softly on my sensitive area..... Fine I said to myself. But will she let go off.
"Will u let go of me please. Your making me feel to comfortable with u here and I don't like it because the more u stay here the I want to kiss u because your so beautiful......." I said as I tried to get up but she pushed me down and kissed my lips and my neck I wanted to strip her but she's Tao's girl??? What she's Tao's girl but she's kissing me.....?? what the.... I kissed back with all my might which made her fall down and make the boys come in and Tao picked up Megan bridal style and she acted like she was dead because she didn't move not once. Kris picked me up and this time he was the one who smacked my bum. But it didn't hurt it was a soft caring slap. He got my clothes and dressed me... He kissed my cheek and put me on the couch next to Sehun and Sehun cuddled me with his arms around me....... Stephanie was already gone home.

(Megan's POV)

I sent Stephanie home and told her to
" Don't worry him. he was just excited about being with u and have it with u because that was his first time as well so yeah." I said as she walked off.

I walked up to Tao which he was in our bedroom and was putting his hands on his face. He was crying.
"What's up babe why are u crying." I said hugging him tightly.
"I feel bad for LuHan because we have had to do that with 8 other girls that he's been with." He said hugging me back.
He pulled me and laid us on the bed next to him....
We hugged for a while and enjoyed each others company before falling asleep.....
But then as I woke up I heard Tao scream really loud. He wasn't next to me.
"Get off me aaahhhhh that hurts. God dam it LuHan." I heard him say.
I ran out there and see LuHan punching and hitting Tao in the face. I ran and stood in front of him hopping he would stop but when I looked at LuHan he..........


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