Chapter 19

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{Luhan's and Stephanie's wedding}
(LuHan's POV)

I woke up one morning to find Stephanie beside me....
She was starring at me with a sweet smile... I found it cute!!
AISH.. This girl.
"Good morning LuHan, How are you this morning?" She said as she beamed me a cute as smile.
"Good Morning beautiful. I'm Awesome thanks for asking!" I said after a kissed her forehead.
"Aww LuHan stop it... Your to cute to be my husband!! Just kidding but seriously you are really cute and handsome and adorable." She said as she got up and went to the bathroom.
4 hours later Stephanie went to get a wedding dress to wear while I went to find a tusk to wear.
3 hours later
It's already 4PM and I haven't seen Stephanie forever.... So it feels like..
I miss her so much.. I a
Want her in my arms right here, right now.
"LuHan." I voice said from behind. I thought it was Stephanie but it wasn't it was Megan....
"Oh hay Megan." I said looking down.
"Huh what's up LuHan?" She said looking straight into my eyes.
"Nothing just miss Stephanie so much." I said as my eyes tear up without reason.
"Oh come on LuHan you will see her tonight seriously. Calm down and relax okay. See you tonight with Tao!! Annyeong." She said as she walked off.
"Okay Megan. Annyeong." I said as she turned her head around and smiled at me but kept walking.

Aish.. This girl.
What's happening to me I have a wife...
Why am I like this.... No LuHan she's not available
And neither are you!! Stop this NOW.
I went home and seen Stephanie on the couch.
Megan and Tao were there. Then I realised it was 9PM at night.
Oh man I am in big trouble with Stephanie if she finds out... Not that I did anything bad, I went and had dinner at a cafe instead of fa ring Stephanie!!
I have to admit I am a bit afraid of her... She can be a tease but she can be very angry and sometimes violent but anyway I still love her.

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