Speacil chapter 1#

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[Tao's POV]

I woke up with a beautiful figure laying next to me.
"Your the best person that I ever met. I don't know if I can live without you." I said with giving her a peck on the lips.....
I got surprised when she kissed me back.
"I love you so much Tao Oppa." She said with a cute smile.
"I love you to!" I said with a smirk.
"I love you more!" She said and gave me a peck on my cheek.
"I love you most!" I said as I gave her a kiss on the lips.
[LuHan's POV]

I woke up with the smell of food going through my nose...
"Yum that smells good!" I said in a kinda yell.
"Oh LuHan your awake already...... Okay stay in bed alright I'll bring it to you in a minute." Stephanie said with a cheerful voice.
5mins later.
I seen a adorable figure coming up the stairs with a plate and a cup of orange juice. YUMMY.
She walked into the room, and her apron fell onto the floor as she almost tripped on her feet.
She's so cute
"Here you go LuHan.... One breakfast coming right up for you." She said with a smile.
"Thank you...... *tried the food* ....... My wife is the best cook I've ever known." I said as I put the food on the coffee table beside the bed and pulled Stephanie into a hug on the bed.... She's trying to escape my grip but I was to strong for her..... She slowly let go of her grip on trying to escape from my tight hug...
"Thanks for the food." I said as I kissed her neck making her move head so I could kiss it better.
"Your welcome LuLu.... Wo Ai Ni" she said as she turned her head and kissed me on my lips....
"Wo..... Ye....... Ai......... Ni" I said in-between kisses.
She turned her body around so she would be riding me.
She started to kiss me passionately so that our lips were moving in sync.
Deeper and deeper we go into the kiss... She started to move up my legs as I started to pull her as-well.
"Lu- LuHan." She called me but I didn't pay any attention to what she said.
She called me again.
Finally I gave up on ignoring her.
"What's up----- the sky."
"L-LuHan are you suduceing me?" She asked with a smirk on her face.
"Um.......yes I am!" I said with I lick of my lips.
"Well it's working......" She said as I kissed her again.
She gave in very quickly..... When I tried to pull her shirt up.
She stopped me and spoke very quietly.
"LuHan I-I have something to tell you?" She said with a sad face happy face.
"Okay darling..... What is it!" I said and kissed her cheek.
"Well LuHan I'm- I'm not sure if you will want this but-"
"Just tell me!" I said to her and smiled at her.
" LuHan I'm pregnant."


Mianhae for short chapter....
In book two I don't mention Stephanie being pregnant yet so bare with me Jeballlll.

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