Chapter 8

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The worst day of my life.

(Megan POV:)

I went to the hospital with Tao if u remember he tried to kill himself. So we are in the ambulance on our way his heart beat was very low and 38 beats a minute. It's scary to think I caused to do this..
It was almost dark and I almost for got about our babies I call Suho Oppa to see if everything was okay.
"Annyeong" he said with a calm voice.
"Annyeong how are my to lovely babies." I said with a smile.
"They have been very good LuHan has just gone to get some food or drinking stuff for them. But other then that we were fine. How's my son Tao."
" He's fine I hope and think we have just got a room and the doctors are about to check him out. I'm glade that my two are behaving well good, good. How are-"
" Megan what u said to Sehun before really broke him inside, Don't ever talk to Sehun like that again okay." He said with some anger in his voice.
"What did I say that was so-"
*toot too*
What the hell did I say that made him get upset.
Sehun was calling me what the hell.
"Annyeong, what did-"
" WHAT PUT KRIS ON THE PHONE." I said about to throw my phone.
" Hel-"
" Kris what did u drop my baby for."
" I'm sorry it was an accident. It's okay Sehun has just put her back to sleep so don't worry everything's fine." He said scared.
" Oh umm........ Really okay okay see u when I get home Love Ya and everyone.."
"By." Kris said before hanging up.
*toot toot*
Tao was stable so I kissed him on the cheek and said
"I will be back in a half an hour okay stay here okay. Love u." I said before walking out.
I was driving on my way home when I seen LuHan walking alone on the footpath.
I pulled over and he jumped in and I drove both of us home.

*Knock knock*
The door opened to my surprise Suho opened the door crying.
"What wrong Suho Oppa." I said with a worried face.
"T...Tao......He" he spitted out.
"What's wrong with Tao. Suho tell me please." I said about to cry.
" T-T -Tao h-he D-Died right after u l-left." He said as he shut the door.
I ran out the door jumped in my car and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. As soon as I walked inside I saw them wheeling a body with a sheet over it, down the stairs and towards the back doors I walked up to the lady and said.
"Please can I see if this is my boyfriend please ma*am please." I said crying.
"Sure but quickly" she said as she untied the White sheet as she removed the White sheet I could see the hair it looked like Tao's hair and the eyes and the face.
"Yep that's him. NNNNNNOOOOOOO WHY DID U HAVE TO DIE, U STILL HAVE CHILDREN TO LOOK AFTER, COME ON WAKEY WAKEY." I said blowing as hard as I could on to his mouth.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhh" A voice said coming from the his lifeless body.
"What the hell. How is he alive" the woman said curious
" Come on WAKEY WAKEY TAO OPPA COME ON." At that he tried to sit up but he couldn't we untied the straps and he sat up and hugged me so tight. Everyone was looking at us at what just happened.
"I will never leave u. I will never leave our kids my life I will never leave." He said as he kissed me hard..
The nurse checked him he was healthy as ever and he did need stichers because his body was healing it itself.
"Let's go home shall we." He said with a smile on his face.
"We shall." I said hugging him.
I drove us back home and he knocked on the door.

*knock knock*
Suho opened the door still crying and when he seen Tao he hugged him really tight and made a red circle around Tao's stomach. Luhan wasn't here I didn't mind but he's gonna be stocked when he hears this good news.
I went and took Tao to see our new babies but only one was there.
"Where's is my baby girl?"I asked Suho since no one else was here.
"S-Sh-She is with LuHan and the others at the park coming back now." He said with a ensuring smile.
"Okay." I said as I hugged him.
Tao went for a shower. When he got out of the shower he layer on the bed and took a rest.

(Tao's POV:)

When I woke up I saw a pretty lady laying I front of me curled up in my chest and her body right up against mine. She only had a pair on undies on and a bra. I was only wearing my Broad shorts. I looked around to see that this wasn't my room this was her house, I think. I looked around and saw two baby cribs one with a boy and one with a girl.
"Good morning Babe." She said kissing my neck.
"Good morning bunny bunny." I said as she stops.
She turns her head like she's trying to here something. I kiss her neck in her sensitive area she gave a little moan. Then she moved up on the bed. I feel and urge to pull her under me. She kisses me back but on my shoulder. I kiss her shoulder aswell. She stops kissing me and I aimed for her lips but before I could she stands up and starts walking fast saying.
" Catch me if u can!" He said as she starts running.
I suddenly get up and chase her I grabbed her arm and pull her in and buried my face in her chest. She kissed my forehead.
"Got ya now your under arrest for failing to stop." As I said that I picked her up and carry to the couch forgetting who's house this is and started kissing her hard and in random places. Like lips-neck-chest-ear-forehead-Shoulder. Then she grabs my hair and pulls me in for a hard kiss. She is so wild when she wants it. Man I can't believe her.
"Guys take it to your room." Someone said from behind me.
I turn my head only to see Kris. Staring at Megan like he was jealous. I picked her up and took her to the room and placed her on the bed. She slowly took her bra off making my mood have more of and urge to want it. But as I kissed her she said.
"Don't make me wait okay." She said as she pushed my broad shorts down.......


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