Chapter 14

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LuHan's and Tao's Big Surprise.

(Megan's POV)

LuHan woke up one morning and ran out the door, And left a note on the table saying that ' I had to go to Stephanie's to show her my real manly side and to bring her back for an announcement, alright I won't be more then 3-4 hours okay be back as soon as I can.

I found myself opening my eyes to see Tao leaning over me with a grin. I look down and I-I was naked and I didn't have any sheets on so it was kinda embarrassing. It's not like Tao hasn't seen my body before but it was embarrassing because I looked like I haven't had a shower for days.
"Are u right with the way you sleep." He said with a smirk on his face.
"What are u saying. How did I sleep was it different then usual." I whispered with a worried look.
"No it's just u rolled on me and slept with yourself on the top of me, I pushed u off but u yelled Fu*k off Tao I want to sleep like this. It was hard for me because your body was right up against me and you were naked. So I could feel everything that you had." He said with a scared and timid voice like he was scared of me sleeping naked.


LuHan came in and fell to the floor when he seen me naked. Likewise for LuHan, it wasn't like he hasn't seen me naked before either.
"OMO NEGAN, I THINK I JUST DIED." LuHan yelled. As I pulled my shirt and shorts on.
"Okay what is it LuHan." Tao said with a hint of anger.
"Umm. Come out, me and Stephanie have an announcement to share with u guys." LuHan said getting up from the ground.
"So do I." Tao said as he pulled a small box out from the dresser next to his side of the bed.
"Really." I said with a surprised face.
Tao just leaned over and kissed my forehead and advised me to get dressed before coming out of this room.....
after LuHan came out with Stephanie, we all saw a new silver ring on her finger.
I gasped and Tao squeezed my hand tell me to be quite.
"Well u guys if u haven't seen it yet." LuHan said as Stephanie kissed his cheek making LuHan blush like a little kid.
"Me and Stephanie are getting married." He said smile in at her.
"WooHoo That great LuHan." Kris said getting up and hugging LuHan. Sehun sat down with a sad face.
"NNNOOOOO LuHan you can't your mine and only mine." Sehun yelled and tugged Stephanie away from LuHan,
We all laughed, while Sehun cried a bit.
I walked up to Sehun and kissed his check and said
"Don't worry Sehun You still have Kris." Sehun went to run at Kris but Kris got up and hide behind Tao.
" NNNOOO Sehun u can't be with me. I with Tao." Kris said with a childish voice.
"What Tao you never told me you and Kris were in a relationship." I said teasingly looking straight into Tao's eyes. And without hesitation he answered.
"No Sehun come Take him. We are not together...." Tao said looking at Kris with a glare of hate.
"Okay whatever this is please don't kiss again please Tao I'm begging you." I said trying to pull him away. But when I let go Tao fell over and landed right on top of Kris and once again they were acting gay again. And Tao actually stayed there for a few seconds looking into Kris's eyes smiling.
"WTF are u doing HUANG ZI TAO." I shouted as he stood up and helped Kris up and made kris stand next to Sehun and let Sehun cry on his shoulder.
"It's okay Sehunnie daddy's got YA." Kris said as he looked into Sehun's eyes.
"Aww you guys are so cute when together. Hehe adorable." I said hugging Tao from behind.


Tao pulled me I front of him and took me aside and into the room and pulled the small
box out. that one from inside the dresser next to the bed. He knelt down and he looked at me and Opened the box and it had a beautiful Silver ring with a wonderful Dimond in the middle of it.
"Megan I know I have already proposed to you once before but that was between us. But I'm ready for us to be actually married I'm ready for the world to know that we have an us and children, whether we have problems after who-cares as long as I'm with u." Tao said with his eyes watering.
"Aww Tao U know I love u right but I'm sorry-" I said before he cut me off with a sob.
"What, what are u talking about." He said crying.
"I love you but I didn't let me finish my sentence.... May I continue." I said as he nodded.
"Okay what I was trying to say was...... I do love you and you know that right Tao.... I'm sorry Tao I just can't ...... Help it but be happy right now because u know what." I said
He crumbled onto the ground. I knelt down and I pulled a small box out of my coat pocket and opened it and his face light up when he seen a silver ring with a word that says
I ♥️ U, on it. He looked at me and hugged me and said.
"Will u marry me." I looked at him I looked up at the ceiling and screamed
"Yes." He pulled the ring out and put it on my finger. he leaned forward and closed the distance between us. His kisses lingered and he playfully bit and pulled on my bottom lip. I looked at him and said.
"Will u marry me." I said to him with a smirk.
He leaned in and kissed me again and in-between kisses he said
"Yes, I will" he said seductively while looking into my eyes.
I pulled out and took the ring and placed it on his finger.
"Are we officially engaged now." I asked.
"Yes we are." He said kissing me again.
I pulled out.
I stood up and walked out of the room and yelled,
"I'm officially engaged to Tao of Exo." Stephanie came over to me and screamed.
"And I'm officially engaged to LuHan of Exo."
We both jumped for like 10-15 mins and we were loving it. I stopped and hugged her and said.
"You are going to love LuHan he is such a nice person." I said to her with a warm loving smile
"And your going to love love love Tao because of what he can do." She said smirking at me, I was confused but gave her a smile and hugged her again......
'What did she mean by what he can do!!' I though to myself but I always smiled. So no one would think something is wrong.....
I had a good afternoon and so did Stephanie. LuHan could not keep his eyes away from Stephanie and he could not stop touching her and would not leave her be alone not even for 3 secs.
It was adorable.
Tao was always by my side as-well. He never left me not even to go to the toilet he just held on..... He always held on to my waist. Which made me feel special. I mean yeah I am to Tao and all of Exo. But I'm being serious.

We loved having each other so close and LuHan was loving havering Stephanie the same way.
Adorable...... But then That moment was spoiled but Tao's announcement........


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