Special chapter 2#

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[LuHan's POV]

"I'm pregnant" she said very shy...
I just sat there looking at her with wide eyes.
"Really?" I asked her.
"Yes LuHan I'm 2 months pregnant."
"So is that why my wife got so fat!" She playfully hit my arm...
"LuHan!!" She shouted at me...
"Wait so does that mean no more fun nights!" I said as I moved my eyebrows up n down....
"Yah!! Who said anything about not having fun night just because I'm pregnant!!" She said with a kiss of my lips....
"Well isn't bad because I could squeeze the baby out if I lay on you." I said as she gave me a confused look.
"LuHan you do know that there are different ways of havering fun nights then the ways we have been having..... LuHan please.... Don't tell me you don't know?" She asked me but I had no idea what she was talking about.
"Um sorry doc but I don't know what your talking about..." I said to tease her...
She glared at me.... Well what am I suppose to do...? Nothing....
"Well then I guess our lesson has just started then hasn't it" she said as she crawled towards me.... I crawled backwards... Until I hit the end of the bed... She came real close and kissed me... She pulled my shirt up.... I took it off.
"Let me show you?" She said as she undressed herself and I undressed myself... Once we were both naked she got me to lay down and she sat on me...
She looked into my eyes then she closed her eyes and started to move up 'n' down.... It felt so good because I have not felt this before.... She was moaning in a weird way that I couldn't describe... I moaned because I could feel my manly stuff going to explode... She just kept a steady movement... I understood why but it wasn't enough..... I just let her cùm but after she was done.....
I jumped up and went to the toilet.....
I sat on the toilet and I couldn't help myself but to touch myself... I felt my Manly stuff and it felt like wanting more then what she could give and I was desperate.... I don't know what had gotten into me but I decided to give it to me myself..... I grabbed my manly stuff and moved my hand up 'N' down.... .
And in no time I was done....
When I got back Stephanie was dressed and had a sexy dress on.....
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to met my husband." My eyes widened....
Wasn't I her husband?
"But-" she walked passed me and she walked down stares and out the door.... I saw going walking out our house out on the street and down the road...
2mins later
I cried because she didn't say goodbye...
*knock knock*
I walked to the door and opened the door.... And Stephanie was standing there
"Hello I'm here to see my husband... I walked here from my home..." I smiled at her and she smiled back....
"Well yes he's in his room if you would like to come and see him!" She gave me a smirk and walked in and hugged me.
"I would never cheat on you LuHan keep that in mind okay.... I love you to much... I hope you feel the same way" she confessed.
I kissed her and pick her up bridal style and brought her to the room and placed her on the bed and I whispered.
"Yes I do.... I love you the same way but more..... Your the apple of my eye and I will never cheat on you..... you with me is enough..." I said and kissed her.


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