Chapter 20

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The wedding.

(LuHan & Stephanie)

(Stephanie's POV)

I woke up on a Saturday with LuHan next to me..... Awkward.......
I looked down to find he's starring at me...
"We're you starting at me the whole night??" I said and he chuckled.
"Well maybe for a good couple of hours though!!" He said with a hint of joy in his voice.
"Well okay..... Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah I slept great because your with me!!" He said as he leaned in really close and close the distance between our lips...... It was really a passionate kiss that I have ever had........ Especially from LuHan.....
"Are you ready jagiya?"
"Ready for what??" I asked confused.
"Our wedding?? Did you forget??"
"Oh yeah about that??"
"Oh nothing? "
"Okay jagiya Wo Ai Ni!!"
"Wo Ye Ai Ni!!"
.5 hours later +

I am all ready for my wedding and I am ready to walk down the hallway when a hand caught my waist a pulled me into a room...... It ....... Was......... Him........
LuHan.......... My husband to be.......... He kissed me on my lips and cheered me on to go on today....!! I'm excited.
I walked down the aisle with my dad.... He was crying..
"Dad theses no need to cry I will visit you when ever I'm not with LuHan okay daddy but please don't cry!"
"Stephanie, you are getting married and will be having children on you first year of being together and won't have time to see us as much and-"
"Daddy when I have kids I will be visiting you guys a hell of a lot more because I think you guy will want to see your grandchildren."
"Okay Hunny but its natural to cry okay"
"Okay daddy."
When we got up there LuHan greeted my dad with a smile..... My dad smile in approval..... Awesome dad was satisfied with him.....
"Here you go my awesome son-in-law. Look after Stephanie well..... And if you hurt you or make her cry I will look for you I will find you and I will KILL YOU. Understand??"
LuHan swallowed his spit and answered-
"Yes sir.... I won't I love her to much...." LuHan said smiling at me....
Dad gave my hand to LuHan and we walked up to the alter together .....
The father gave the speech and before I new it he said....
"You may now kiss the bride."
LuHan leaned in close to me and whispered to me.
"Now you will have to kiss me."
"Oh don't be silly."
LuHan leaned in forward...... On to me and kissed me on my lips..
It lasted for a while and we could here everyone cheering us on....
One person said 'get a room' or 'you are making me jealous'
I was quite amazed that that many people loved to say things like that at a weddings.
We are at the reception and everyone congratulated us and went home.....
"Congrats LuHan..... And congrats Stephanie" Megan said..
"Yeah we wish the best for you!!" Tao said while everyone one by one started coming up after that.... LuHan said his vows which made him cry... It was cute as how he cried but when I said mine it was like the whole world was going to fall apart..... It was embarrassing for me...., everyone cheered me and LuHan on it was great.
We went to our honeymoon and walked inside and went straight for the bed.... (Not in that way) I fell straight onto it and fell asleep with LuHan next to me hugging me ........
It was peaceful.... Lovely........


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