Chapter 7

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(Listen to Miracles in December and Don't go. Baby don't cry and Baby Exo-m while reading this to make this chapter affective. Okay enjoy.)

The unexpected happened.

I am still under going surgery. (local)
Tao was freackin out when the baby was breathing. We could see that the baby was still blueish and he was slowly going pinkish.
"I'm glade he's alive. Are u glade." I said with a calm face.
Tao looked at me like I was crazy.
"Me glade. Meh, more like disappointed that they are." He said with a tear about to fall
Why was he not happy.
"What. W-W-WHAT ARE U SAYING." I said raising my voice.
"It's to soon I didn't want to become a father till late, NOT NOW." He said as he left the room.
Why is he being like this. What is he saying this for why can't he just be happy for me/us and babies.

(After surgery)

I was brought out on a wheel chair because I wasn't hurting, But when I went out he wasn't here maybe he went back to the room, but he wasn't there either maybe he's waiting outside. I walked out side trying to hold the Two of my babies. I didn't see him I called him. He didn't answer the first time.
Ring Rin-
"WHAT." He yelled in to the phone.
"What's with u, where are u." I said about to cry.
"I'm at the store getting food." He said with anger in his voice.
"What happened to my loving sexy talking Tao I used to know." I said with my sobbing voice.
"Not there anymore. U will have to get a taxi back ok and pack your bags and get out before I cause u and the babies anymore trouble ok. Don't tell anyone about this ok or I will get done for it ok. I love u but i don't want to be a dad yet or anyone's dad ok.... U blow it for me and yourself-"
"No shut up, u listen to me u are the father of theses children and u can't back out now that they are in the real world ok. Now I know u hate me right now but u can't be like that forever or else I know someone else who will love to look after these kids with me and love them and me more and guess what it's one of your friends. So pull your socks up or else I will find someone else ok." I said before hanging up.
I had to get Sehun to come and pick me up. I told him what Tao did and he was shocked because he said Tao's always like I can't wait till I have my own family. But what I don't under stand is why did he reject when he had the chance. I told Sehun how I told Tao what's his place in this world and that he had to be the dad. Sehun was proud of me.
"I will be happy helping u with the two of them if Tao won't because do remember that I wanted u from the start so..." Sehun said with a sad smirk on his face.
"I know...... How would u like to be the dad of these two babies and my carer and my boyfriend." I said with a smile. He leaned over to kiss me but I straighten his head because he was driven. I told him that I said to Tao about if he doesn't pull his socks up he won't be the father won't be the one to look out for me the kids and the US that won't exists anymore without him......

We got home Sehun held one to walk inside with and I held one.
When we got inside Tao was nowhere to be found so I assumed he was still shopping.
I gave the two the the Exo members to hold and as we were sitting down on the couch Sehun and were telling them what Tao did to me.......

I walked into the room and looked for my clothes to have a shower but found none, there was a note on the bed.

I'm sorry but I can't live with myself for what I did to u. By the time u get this I won't be around anymore. I'll be gone. I took your clothes and everything back to your place as well as my dead body..
I always did love u Megan and I was actually wanting to be a dad for so long but I blew it for u and the babies. I'm sorry.
Love Huang Zì Tao.'
I fell to the floor making a bang Sehun came running in. Picked me up and carried me to the couch where I laid across LuHan oppa and Kai oppa with my head on Sehun.
I handed him the note and when he read it he quickly picked me up put me in the car and brought Kris, Suho Oppa with us.
When we got to my place I sprinted inside only to see Tao's lifeless body laying on the floor with a knife through the middle of his soul.
I ran at him pulled it out. Kissed his lips and I felt his temperature, he's still warm so that means he's fresh.
"Call an ambulance." I shouted.
"Right on it Megan." Kris said
"Tao come back babe come back to me Tao please please." I said with my face on his while holding his hand.
"Why did u come back for me." I heard a faint voice.
I hugged him so tight.
"Because I Love u and we still have kids to look after and plus u have your career and life to live. So I won't never let u go or let u die no way." I said with tears whaling down my face..
" But u said u will get someone else to look after u and the kids." He said with tears bowling down.
" I only said that because I wanted u to care about me and the kids more and it did but I didn't want u to do this. This has over done it your lucky Sehun dragged me he to see u otherwise I wouldn't be here right now. So u should thank Sehun." I said none stop kissing his lips and then BAM he kissed back he was gaining his strength back.

(Knock knock)

"Hello paramedics." A male voice yelled.
Suho quickly opened the door and the paramedics scoped Tao out and they took him in the ambulance van.... I rode with him holding his hand so he would have confidence on not letting go of the life he still has to live. He's to handsome to cute to YOUNG to die....


Authors note.
How was that chapter sad yeah I know...
Just to give u a head up... And a question askers.
Who cried I know I did when I write it and because I was listening to Don't go Exo-m
That's why because I didn't want to put that he died.......

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