"i can destroy everyones pussy in this room, apart from yours. It's very frustrating."
Lilah Buttercup is a quirky, shy and goofy girl who's beauty outshines anyone in her path. She's not the type to fall for a bad boy like Malfoy... but so...
The marching band played wap as all four champions made their way into the arena. I noticed Cedric glance over to me, and I gave him the middle finger in response.
He looked broken🖤💔🥀⛓😔 when I did that to him, but he shook it off with a smile and continued to wave at the crowd.
All of a sudden Filchykins fired the cannons, and the four champions made their way into the maze.
it had been a long while now, and Fleur and Krum had already made their way out of the maze.
Suddenly Oui Oui j'adore are you 'appy to be in Paris? Redhead twins crept up behind me.
"Hey big booty buttercup" George said with a wink. "Who do you think is going to win the tournament?"
"My bet is on Ceddy" Fred said, "Potter is probably dead already, bless him"
"Hmm.." I mumbled, looking back at the entrance to the maze. All of a sudden Potter and Diggory appeared in the centre of the arena, causing the stadium to erupt with cheers, and the marching band started playing again.
Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me "AHHHHH" I heard fleur yell.
Quick jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me Dumbledore and the others all started crowding round when they heard Harry wailing. Fred, George and I stood up to see the commotion.
I tell him where I put it, never tell him where I'm bouta be I run down on him fore I have a n***a running me"Let me through. LET ME THROUGH."
"THATS MY SON! THATS MY BOY" Amos wailed while the sound of Megan Thee Stallion drowned him out. Half the crowd where sobbing and weeping while the other half were shaking their asses.
A waterfall of tears started streaming down my face and I started trembling. Two boys grabbed either one of my arms before pulling me away. "C'mon fatass lets get you out of here" They said at the same time, before pulling me away.
As I left the arena I could hear the familiar sound of 🎶There's some whores in this house🎶 fading away.
I can't tell if this is sad or hilarious
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