Chapter 38- I must not disobey the sexiest woman alive

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"She's such a bitch" I thought, as a stab of pain continuously shot up my left arm. I was only on line 26 out of 100, and my handwriting became messier and less uwu-like as I continued.

Umbitch had made us write down the words 'I must not disobey the sexiest woman alive' 100 times as a punishment for 'rule breaking' and 'general misbehaviour'. Cho, being the smelly whore that she is, snitched like a bitch, probably because she was jealous of my jiggly anime tiddies. So now I was stuck here, in the hall, without my uwu, emo, edgy, goth, slytherin, pussy destroyer.

I queefed delicately evry 2-3 minutes, creating a soft warm breeze in the hall. Umbitch whipped out a pensive from the corner of the room and stuck her head inside. The silent hall was suddenly filled with the sound of squelches and moans and the occasional slapping sound was heard.

Everybody burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, except for Seamus. Seamus decided to grind on the floor.

Umbitch came shooting out of the pensieve in a catwoman costume, causing a couple of boys in the room to moan angrily.

Somebody even mooed.

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