Chapter 36- Lavender

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I was skipping down the hallway and a trail of crusty discharge was dropping from my juicy buttercussy.

Out the window i could see Fred and George grinding on the floor while listening to deepthroat by cupcakke.

As I skipped past the divination classroom, a fishy smell filled the air, and I turned around to find Lavender standing there staring at me.

"h-h-h-h-hey lavender,"I stuttered with an uwu voice, a delicate queef escaping my flappy bird at the same time.

"hey whore." she growled, clenching her teeth, and her eyes darkening. She slowly started walking towards me, not taking her orbs off mine.

"how is he? Malfoy, I mean.." She asked, a smirk playing the corners of her lips.

"He's good, we're good why do you ask?" I replied, batting my eyelashes innocently.

"Curious, that's all Butterfuck."

Suddenly Supermassive Black Hole started playing out loud and I dangerously and dramatically walked towards Lavender in slow motion.

"what did you call me?" I growled menacingly.

Lavender cackled to herself. "you know what I said you crusty discharge whore"

I turned around and farted violently in her face.

Lavender screamed and fell to the ground in agony.

"OH GREAT HEAVENS!" She cried, coughing and spluttering. I merely laughed at the state of her, rolling her pathetic arse around on the floor. I reached down to grab her collar and pull her up, but I rapidly withdrew my hand as a pain soared up my uwu arm.

A burning sensation lay upon my fingertips and I clutched my left hand in pain.

"What the fuck did you do to me you wankstain?!" I yelled with my cute little voice.

I looked down at her collar to see a gold letter R hanging on a chain around her neck and queefed in shock.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, my breath shaky and my bunda quaking. Lavender stood up and stormed away, leaving me in the hallway, particles of my stinky gas expulsion still lingering in the air.

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