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Long time no see

Life updates i'm 18 now🤩🤩🤩

This story was something I started impulsively at the ripe age of 14 so lets just say I didn't have much planned here😭

Basically I want this thing to have an actual ending I don't want to leave it on a cliffhanger, so I'm gonna write up the last few chapters with a dramatic and deep (🌚) ending packed with the most insane things ever for old times sake.

Thank you so much for sticking around all this time because I literally wrote this for my friends and I to laugh about and I had NO idea so many people would find it so funny😭

Ya girl is going off to Uni to get herself a Drama degree next september, so hey if (when) I become a famous actor then you guys can claim to be my og fans xxxx

Stay tuned😩

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