Reel vs Real

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I'm looking out of this little window

Sitting right by its pane like

I always imagined as a child

But this is not how they said it would be!

My eyes met yours, as we bumped down the hallway

The storyline exactly how it should be

My books fell, our fingers brushed

You apologized, I smiled

You picked 'em up, I dropped my heart

We both fell by gravity,

Only I fell in love.

Plot twist, huh?

Staring out of the window now,

The moon at its fullest, how?

Everything following the plot

Just somehow your heart messed up.

My heart breaks once, words fill in abundance

Tear stains all across the inked pages

And this is exactly how my first love story stages.

This is just to depict that not every time everything happens like the teen movies show. sometimes, you fill pages with the name of that one person and their footnotes also don't recognize yours.



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