Looking for trouble, and if i cannot find it, i will create it.

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Daisy's POV:

The plan was perfect.

1. Make sure Hazel is upset enough to cause a diversion, so that George doesn't know I'm up to something.

2. Call Uncle Felix. Tell him that we need the girls to act as criminals (I have already talked to the other family's on the boat. Their names are the Chavinski's, the Ghriens and the Yungs. None of them wanted to act as criminals).

3. When they get on the boat, disguise them as maids and wait until the night before we get off the boat. On the night, the girls will become criminals and try to push Hazel off the ship. Alexander will, of course, stop them. Then Hazel's father will love Alexander and be thankful.

If the plan did not work, then Hazel would have to run away with Alexander to America. It was the only other option.

Hazel was allowed out of Pik An's room again, so I spent as much time with her as possible (pretending to think I would never see Hazel again after today). We were re—inacting the murder of Annie Joy (we both agreed that it was a very clever plot).

As Hazel pretended to push me into the well (we used the swimming pool) I noticed a very odd couple staring at Hazel blankly. I recognised them as the Ghriens.

The man, Raffael Ghrien, was very young, and bulky, with dark brown hair and a handsome face. Hazel later said that he definitely was part Filipino. The woman, Augusta Ghrien, looked almost thirty. She had long, red hair, brown eyes, and a very impressive hour-glass shaped body.

I narrowed my eyes at them. Raffael ignored me, while Augusta looked back coolly, and smirked. I decided that I did not like Augusta Ghrien at all.

Apart from all the Hazel drama, and being with Amina, this holiday was extremely boring.

I was looking for trouble.
And if I cannot find it,
I will create it.


George's POV:

Where Daisy managed to find a stink bomb, I do not know.

How Daisy managed to bring it onto the ship, I don't know.

How she managed to stink bomb the Ghriens cabin in twenty seconds, I do not know.

I was sitting on a lounge couch, reading Sir Author Conan Doyle's books again, when all of a sudden, Mr. Ghrien ran out of his cabin.

"It stinks!" He cried. "Someone made my cabin STINK!" He flailed, while holding his nose. I walked towards his cabin, to inspect the smell.

Let's just say, it was definitely a stink bomb. My eyes watered the more closer I got to it.

"Oh, Daisy Wells," I said. "You've really done it this time."

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