Chapter 35

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Before I know it, it is already 6am in the morning. Cameron and I spent the whole night catching up on the past few years. Also talking about how foolish we were, not talking to each other about our feelings.

We got up and started making breakfast together, it is nice eating the food he cooks once again.

Axel steps into the house and drops his bag by the dining table, "Cameron." He looks at Cameron with surprise. He then looks at me for an answer, "oh he just came over for breakfast." I lied.

Axel looks down at the floor and thought about my reply, "really now?" He smirks.

Cameron chuckles lightly, "just eat, you need to leave for school soon." He quickly tries to change the subject.

"So you spent the night here?" Axel ask, his mouth stuffed with blueberry pancakes.

"Tsk," I roll my eyes at Axel. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Axel let out a soft grunt, "do you want me to drive you to school?" Cameron ask.

Axel's eyes widen, "THE Cameron Fields driving me to my first day at a new school?! No thanks, my Dad is James Morgan and I have a sister who plays in the WNBA... I don't need more attention."

He then put his hand to his chin, "plus you're too handsome, so stay away from me."

"Axel." I shake my head at him, Cameron laughs, "you do take over your father."

Axel puts his plates into the sink, "I am off to school now." He says, grabbing a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice. "Okay stay safe, text me." I wave goodbye.

Axel closed the door behind him and we continued with our breakfast and even more talking.

"Why did you keep the postcards?" Cameron ask.

I shrug my shoulders, "you left and that was all I have." Cameron nods his head and looks down at his scrambled eggs, "I always watch you from afar and ensure that you're safe and happy."

"It was hard going back to court after my Dad, wasn't it? I was watching your games." He leans back in his chair, "yeah." I murmured. Cameron looks up at me, "yeah I was having a hard time too." He runs his hand through my blonde hair.

"There was a lot of court hearings and our houses were all gone." Cameron says in a low tone, "you were really all that I have and I was so scared that you will... actually die."

"Your Dad though... He is so nice to me still after that incident, he treated me like family and Axel treats me like a brother and then there's you." Cameron puts his finger on my nose, "I am sorry, I kept you waiting."

"I want to be together with you from now on, and till... Death do us apart."

Cameron picked me up from my house and drove me to an Italian restaurant where our friends are at.

Since I didn't make it to the wedding because of my father's funeral, Olivia scheduled to have a gathering after their honeymoon.

I got out of the car and waited for Cameron to step out, he steps out of his car with a slight frown on his face. "What?" I walk towards him, "I wanted to open your door for you."

I laugh and grab his hand, "next time."

Cameron intertwined our fingers together and lead me into the restaurant where they were all sitting down.

"Alex! I ordered your favourite pizza and—" Olivia froze the moment she saw Cameron and I holding hands.

"Finally." Tania puts up her glass of wine and took a sip.

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