Chapter 22

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I lean against my jeep and look down at my watch, they're always on time for games but late for everything else.

I am driving to Virginia for our spring break. It's about a 3 hour drive? 3 hour drive with two crackheads.

"We're ready!" Tania runs down with a duffel bag over her shoulder. She throws it into the trunk while I look around for Olivia.

"Where is Olivia?" I ask.

"Here!" Olivia runs across the foyer, "ugh!" She trips over her own feet and falls on her face.

Before I could react, Olivia is back up on her feet. "Geez Olivia," I reach out to help her with her bag. Tania laughs, "clumsy ass."

I put her bag in the trunk and close the back.

"Let's go!" I run to the driver's seat.

Tania got in the back and Olivia sat in the front.

Olivia plugs in her phone and puts on music.

More than just a dream
More than just a dream

"Oh my god," Tania gasps at the song that first came up on Olivia's playlist.

Forty days and forty nights
I waited for a girl like you to come and save my life

I drive away from our school and head towards Virginia.

All the days I waited for you
You know the ones who said I'd never find someone like you

We sang that line on the top of our lungs. I broke into a wide smile and continue singing with my two crackheads.

And you were out of my league
All the things I believed
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you were more than just a dream

Cameron popped up in my head, his beautiful
grin and his gorgeous blue eyes.

You are so out my league.

We arrived at my lake house, Tania and Olivia stood at the entrance in awe.

We arrived at my lake house, Tania and Olivia stood at the entrance in awe

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I took out my keys from my pocket and open the door up from them. "C'mon in." I invite them.

"There's 6 rooms upstairs, you both can choose any rooms you like." I say to them. Tania and Olivia quickly run up the stairs.

My room isn't here, my room is on the other side of the house where the garden is. I haven't been awhile for a few years. "Call me if you need anything!" I yell and walked to my room.

I drop my bag at the side and stare at my room. It's so peaceful here. I have a small dresser in the middle and a TV on top of it. I also have a big double bed.

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