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Like a lost child, Taehyung is sitting on the bench of the park, far away from his home. He stares into space, hugging his knees tightly to his chest. He is thinking about what to do now. Will anyone take him to work? He is 18 years now, maybe someone will.

But he is not even a school graduated, after completing 6th grade his mother made him drop out of school. He knows nothing other than washing dishes, cooking, almost all house works cause that's what he has been doing since 10.

He poutily watches the kids playing around with their parents. His eyes becoming numb by the sight, oh how he wishes he never grew up and can go back to childhood times.

His parents were so lovely before but after he turned ten and his test come out, just to find out he is a carrier, and everything went downhill.

He quickly wipes his tears that fall from the corner of his eyes. He doesn't even know where he is right now. The place was unfamiliar, he was never far from the house, heck his mother never let him out unless to bring groceries.

He is a vampire for god sake, he should act like one. His tongue grazes his growing fangs. They are sharped but never in use. Should he attack a human?

Then shake off the thought, no he won't do such a thing. He may be a vampire but he has a heart too. How can he harm an innocent just for his hunger? No, never. He will work to earn money and buy food for himself until then he will use the money his father gave him, tiny by tiny.

"Appa is always good." He murmurs smiling a little. He loves his father, he does a lot. His father never lifted his hand on him, it was always his mother. Although it doesn't change how he treated his son, Taehyung is still much attached to his father since an infant.

He licks his lips, last night he met amazing people, Jimin and Yoongi, they were nice to him and he likes them. 

He also made another friend last night when he was searching for a place to sleep, an aged man on the roadside offered him half of his sleeping area.

The aged man gave him a place to sleep, they talked for a few minutes and Taehyung learned that the aged man was a human and was abandoned by his own son.

It broke Taehyung's heart, they were in the same situation.

The aged human asked why he was out like this, why his parents abandoned him. However, he couldn't tell him the real reason, it will be chaos and probably the man won't believe him so he just told the kind man that his parents no longer need a son like him, the heavily laced tone of him made the aged man bring in his warm embrace.

Just like how Jimin had a warmth in his embrace.

You know, this morning the aged man woke him up and gave him half of his bread. Although Taehyung refused many times, the aged man didn't budge.

He asked if Taehyung will come back or will go somewhere, the 18 years old just shrugged with a faint smile.

That's how mindlessly walking around he is now stuck here, forgetting the way to his household area.

Taehyung is beyond scared he won't deny this. if the city he is living in is this big, he can't even imagine how big the whole world would be. It sends thunders of shivers up his spine.

He moves his head to the right side, loud chattering filling in the calm park but among exciting yells of kids. His eyes huge in wonder, very curious by the scene unfolding before him.

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