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"Why didn't you reach out for our help?" Yoongi asks Namjoon who is seated before him. They are in the Kim King's house, it's nothing but a small cottage. It pains to see the King who used to live a luxurious life living such a low life. 

Namjoon gives a small smile, "Jeongguk was kidnapped at that time. And having to seek your Kingdom's help wouldn't be helpful at all. So I and your uncle Jinnie migrated with our people to this village. I contacted Jaehyun when I got to know Jeongguk was safely back. So your father has known about us being alive but he never asked where we are living for the sake of our safety." 

Seokjin comes and sets the tray of glasses of water on the table. He takes one and gives it to Ahn, "You must be tired, Ahn. Go take a rest. Siwan can take your place for the night." He says as Ahn takes the glass and drinks the water. 

Jeongguk and Yoongi look at them. Namjoon just smiles. 

"Thank you, your highness, but I don't trust anyone when it comes to the safety of you and my King." 

"You are so stubborn." Seokjin smiles, shaking his head, "Go to the room and take a little bit of rest if you are not going anywhere." He tells, taking the empty glass back from him. 

Ahn nods and bows to him then everyone and leaves to the guest room. 

"So…." Jeongguk begins. Namjoon and Seokjin bring their gaze to him. "What exactly happened that day? And….. your son?" 

They see the little happiness on Namjoon's and Seokjin's faces disappearing at the mention of their son. Seokjin sits beside his husband whose hand immediately comes to hold his hand.

"Our Jin-Joo was only a month old at that time." Seokjin starts telling, looking dazed, "Our Kingdom had been in celebration since the day Jin-Joo was born. And then suddenly we had enemies on our borders. It was so fast that we could not even grasp the situation. I was hiding with Jin-Joo while your uncle and Ahn were fighting against them. I don't know how that man knew about my hideous…" Seokjin takes a deep breath. "He snatched my son from my hands. My little Jin-Joo was crying in his arms. He was brutally holding my frail son. It was hurting him. I tried, I tried to fight back but I…" He sobs. 

Namjoon wraps an arm around his husband's shoulder, "Stay strong, honey." He mumbles in the most comforting way he can. 

Jeongguk feels an ache in his chest. "Hyung…." It reminds him of Taehyung crying for him. Watching Seokjin cry reminds him of Taehyung's cries as if Taehyung is crying in place of Seokjin. He looks away when his chest starts to hurt more than just an ache. 

Seokjin sniffles, wiping his eyes, "Those who survived are here. The magicians who tried to save us died, their families and all. Only a few are alive. The eldest magician of our kingdom who was still alive when we fled from there created this safe and magical realm for us. She passed away a day after we started our new lives here." Seokjin looks at Jeongguk, "As the Kings we did not let ourselves break even if our son was abducted because our people need us. And for them, we have to stay strong."  

"Those magicians, couldn't they search for Prince Jinjoo with their magic?" Jeongguk asks. 

Seokjin chuckles dryly, "The magicians who are alive are either the students or children of the dead ones. They never get to master. They only know simple magic. That's why I asked your mother for help when your uncle's… " He glances at Namjoon and places his palm on his face. Namjoon looks at him and gives a small smile. "When his health was getting worse. Thanks to your mother's friend, at least I still have my husband with me. He is perfectly fine now." He smiles at Jeongguk and Yoongi, grateful. 

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