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"Why are you going to France out of the blue? You never told me you have a meeting there." Jimin asks, rounding the oldest prince who is hurrying to pack his luggage. 

"Jimin." Yoongi closes the luggage with a sigh and Jimin flinches at the mere sound and with the way Yoongi calls him without any endearment names. 

"It's urgent," Yoongi says, voice dragged because he can't just tell his fiance that a voice haunted him in Jeongguk's room and that same voice threatened him again in his dream. 

He takes his luggage and grabs the carrier by the back of his head and leaves a long kiss on his forehead. "I'll be right back in a day or two. I will call you once I get there." 

"Don't forget." Jimin brings his fingers to fiddle with the other's blue shirt's collar. "Take care of yourself and don't eat junk foods, it's bad for your stomach. Don't overwork and maybe if you get time enjoy your time there a little." He rambles. 

Yoongi chuckles, making the carrier pout, "Forgive me but the third order can't be done, my highness. If I was going with you I would've loved to spend a month there." He grumbles at the end. Jimin snorts. "Go now." 

"Now why are you practically shooing me? Do you not want to see your dear soon-to-be husband's face anymore? I'm hurt!" Yoongi exclaims, clutching his chest dramatically with a very dramatic pained face. 

Jimin giggles, shoving an unharmful fist at his chest. "You know that's not true, idiot. Now go before your highness stops you." He pushes the older man away gently. 

Yoongi smiles and kisses him on the lips, Jimin gasping in surprise but shortly melting in the kiss. They part away and smile at each other. 

"Are hyungies done?" A soft voice asks. 

They whip their heads toward the door to see Taehyung standing there with his hands covering his eyes. They chuckle lightly, "When did you come?" Yoongi asks, wrapping a hand around Jimin's waist. 

Taehyung peeks through his fingers and giggles as he sees they are not kissing anymore. "Just a minute ago, hyungie." He grins cutely. Jimin coos at his adorable grin. 

"But why do you have this luggage? Are you going somewhere, hyungie?" Taehyung tilts his head after noticing the luggage standing beside Yoongi. 

The oldest prince flicks his wrist for Taehyung to come closer. Taehyung quickly runs to his hyungs and smiles widely. Jimin puts his hand over the younger's head and ruffles his dark locks fondly. Yoongi smiles softly. "I'm going to France for an important meeting, little one." 

Taehyung's smile dims, "You will come back at night?" He blinks his large eyes at the older. Yoongi hesitates but slowly shakes his head, "It will take 2 days to be done I guess— but I'll try to be quick for you!" He immediately adds when Taehyung's expression crumbles. 

Taehyung has a long pout on his lips as he raises his hand and shows his pinky finger. "Promise?" He mumbles, wide eyes blinking cutely. 

Jimin and Yoongi hold themselves from squishing this cute boy. Yoongi hooks his pinky finger with Taehyung's, "Promise." He smiles widely and in return gets an even bigger smile from Taehyung. 


Jeongguk smiles upon seeing a shy Taehyung entering his room with a tray of food. "Why are you bringing this, Tae? Maids could've done it, no?" 

There's a light shade of pink painting across Taehyung's cheeks at the endearment nickname, "Yoongi hyungie told me to take care of you, prince so I'm just doing my duty." Yes, only a duty. Taehyung only reminds himself because as much as he tries to not acknowledge this so soon, the truth is that last night, feeding Jeongguk gave him a strange serene feeling. And maybe he wants to experience that feeling again. 

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