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Jeongguk feels a little lightheaded. It's not because of alcohol. It's because of the blood thirst that has been growing little by little. The last time he had blood was when he mated Taehyung and it's been 2 months. He can easily drink blood from Taehyung but he can't risk it. The hunger is so strong it may hurt his dear mate and he can't let it happen. 

He props his elbows on the glass table, gripping his head as whatever the board members have been saying is getting out of his head. He is dragged by his father to attend a board meeting but he can't seem to concentrate on anything except blood. The hunger is slowly giving him a headache, it feels like his head is about to burst at any moment. And his energy is drowning as well. He breathes in and out slowly.

Yoongi's gaze shifts from the board members to his brother who is sitting on the opposite side of him, their father in the center. He frowns, watching the crowned prince being so agitated. 

Soon the meeting is over. Yoongi watches Jeongguk slowly trying to stand up but falls back on the chair. He rushes to help him, holds him by his arms, and assists him. "You okay?" He asks. 

Jeongguk nods in answer as both he and Yoongi bow to every board member who bows back and exits the meeting room. 

"What's wrong?" Jaehyun asks, his worried eyes on Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk slips out of Yoongi's hold, "I'm fine. I'm fine. J-just a little dizzy. I'll be fine." He says, raising a hand when Yoongi reaches for him. "I-I'll go." He stutters, gripping the edge of the table, and gulps. 

"Yoongi, take him to the palace and call Doc Jang." Jaehyun orders. Yoongi nods, reaching for Jeongguk but the latter shakes his head, wincing internally as his headache worsens. 

"Don't be stubborn, Jeongguk and just go with Yoongi." Jaehyung hisses. 

Even with such health Jeongguk glares at his father. "I-I won't." He hisses back and stubbornly wobbles to the door of the meeting room alone. 

"Jeongguk!" Yoongi runs after his brother while Jaehyun massages his head in frustration, he is getting a headache too because of Jeongguk and his stubborn acts. 

"Why are you like this?" Yoongi questions, helping his brother to sit inside the car in the backseat. Jeongguk just lies down, his forearm over his face while Yoongi rounds the car and sits on the driving seat. 

"He is worried about you. At least respect his worries." Yoongi says, putting on his seatbelt. He starts the car, looking through the rear mirror at his brother. 

Jeongguk licks his fangs and then tongues them to relieve some tension. They are aching to be dug in soft flesh and drink blood. He groans. Fuck, he thought of blood again. 

Yoongi sighs, seeing the younger is in his own world and gears up.

"Why don't you feed on Taehyung?" Chan asks, hanging upside down on the chandelier, staring right down at Jeongguk who is resting on the bed, staring back at him. 

Jeongguk knows why he is weak so he doesn't bother to call their family doctor and calling him here will mean letting his parents know this. And he doesn't want that, not yet. 

"I can hurt him." Jeongguk simply answers. "Idiot." Chan scoffs, "You both are mates now, and he has already given you consent for it. Pain comes when it happens without consent, no?" 

Jeongguk looks away. 

"You know I can see why you don't want to drink from him, why you are so reluctant to drink." Chan sighs and plops beside him. "You are afraid if you drink from him he will remember the night we mated him. Right? You are just scared to see fear in his eyes for you again." 

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