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"Will you at least tell me what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Yoongi takes a hold of Jimin's wrist when he tries to walk past him to the door of their bedroom. Jimin glares at him and harshly shrugs his wrist out of Yoongi's hand. "Nothing is wrong with me, just leave me alone."

"Jimin-ah." Yoongi grabs his arm and rounds him, "What's wrong? What did I do?"

"Ask that to yourself." Jimin abruptly jerks his arm out, "Ask yourself what you did and why you did what you did."

"Jimin?" Yoongi helplessly stares at him as he tries to get into his head but he reads nothing. Feeling dejected he reaches for Jimin's arms, squeezing them lightly when the latter tries to get free.

"Remember right? No communication leads to toxicity."

Jimin mocks out a small laugh, "Lies do the same, your Majesty." And he sees how Yoongi freezes, the hold in his arms loosening. He smiles, a bitter one, "I wouldn't have felt this hurt if I was told the truth beforehand."

Yoongi parts his lips to speak but Jimin removes his hands from his arms and he stares.

"This just shows how much trust you have in me." Jimin looks at him, "I understand you didn't want to hurt me but believing that I would blame Jeongguk, would not try to see both cases. It's not how trust works. Yes, that was a very sensitive topic for me, and it still is but neither of them was at fault so why would I blame anyone."


"No, Yoongi. I'm hurt, I'm upset with the fact that you decide all of this without at least considering that Jimin needs to know this, we can solve this, and we both can find out the culprit who drugged Jeongguk. Together. But no, you didn't." Jimin shakes his head.

"Jimin please—"

"Tae was drunk, Jeongguk was drugged. Whatever happened between them, they weren't in their right minds yet Jeongguk took the responsibility upon himself, and you as a big brother supported him, yes. But as soon-to-be your life partner I have the fucking right to know this." Jimin hisses, jerking away when Yoongi reaches to hold him in desperation.

"Don't fucking touch me!"  Jimin shouts, holding up a palm and glaring at him. Yoongi freezes, he is too stunned to speak. The air in the room feels suffocating for both of them. Jimin breathes heavily and Yoongi slowly lowers his head.

"I know even my sorry can't do anything but before anything I'm sorry, Minnie. It's not like I really wanted to lie to you but I did anyway. But try to understand, I had to. Because at that time we were too confused by the whole situation and I didn't think much before deciding to lie to you. We were so confused because Jeongguk said he mated Taehyung but Taehyung said it wasn't Jeongguk. We could not even explain well at that time so I did what I did until I found the truth."

"Have you found the truth?" Jimin asks, raising an eyebrow at him. Yoongi slowly shakes his head. He lets out a mockery laugh. "Right. Just like I thought. I— just leave. I don't wanna hear anything from you. It all feels like a lie to me right now." Jimin turns on his back, fanning himself as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

Yoongi stares at his back, his heart squeezing drastically. "I'm sorry, my love." He whispers.

Jimin hears him and holds himself from sobbing. He chokes on his sobs when the door closes after Yoongi, indicating the latter has left the bedroom as he wished. He cries softly against the back of his hand, he hates this behavior of Yoongi, leaving whenever he tells him to. He wishes Yoongi to not leave and just hug him. But in the end, Yoongi respects his words a lot and won't disobey them.

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