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Taehyung has been busy with his studies. He has met Hangun's brother whose name is Boyun and they have become great friends. Boyun is smart, cute, and pretty. He has learned that Boyun is an omega. Taehyung is glad to have him as his study partner and friend. However, Jeongguk has been away from him as well. 

He looks out of the window, and that's when he realizes that the sun has already set. He looks at the wall clock and sees the time, past 9 p.m. but not even once, Jeongguk came to see him today. Yeah, the lotuses are put next to his pillow every morning but he doesn't get to see Jeongguk like he used to and it's making him sad. He misses Jeongguk. He feels lonely and doesn't know how to approach Jeongguk without looking like a desperate boy who needs attention all the time. 

He stares at the phone next to his feet. He recently got a new phone from Yoongi. He is still not familiar with it but Boyun is teaching him how to use it every free time they get after studying. He likes studying as he is getting to learn a lot from these books. 

Yesterday, he got 30 out of 50 on a test his teacher took. The teacher gave him lots of praise as it was his first-ever test. His teacher is a kind and sweet vampire lady who gives him toffees whenever he gets something right. He likes his teacher. She is good. He is told that there will be another teacher for him for his special studies.

But his eyes search for Jeongguk, even a glimpse of him will be enough for him. He sighs, closes the book, and gathers his things. He goes toward his study desk and puts them there. Just then he glances outside through the window near his desk, he gasps upon seeing the color of the moon in the sky. Captivatingly red and pretty. He didn't know today was the lunar eclipse. 

Taehyung hears a knock. "Come in." He says softly and turns around to face a pale Jeongguk. "Hyung!" He gasps, immediately running towards him. 

"I am hungry." Jeongguk lets out, on the verge of falling to the floor. Taehyung cups his face with one hand and grasps his arm with the other hand. "Okay. But why do you look so pale? Do you have a fever, hyung?" He touches his forehead but no, the latter doesn't have a fever. His body is colder than usual. 

"I am starving, baby." Jeongguk hugs him, hiding his face directly in his neck, sniffing his scent deeply and his lips parting, fangs baring. 

Taehyung, for a second, shudders but holds himself together and tries to push him away. 


"Jeongguk!" Yoongi rushes inside, pulling his brother away from Taehyung. "He didn't do anything to you right?" He asks Taehyung frantically and heaves a relief of breath when the Carrier shakes his head, eyes wide. 

"Let go of me. I need blood. I am starving." Jeongguk growls, trying to peel out of his older brother's hold. 

"W-what's wrong with Ggukie hyung?" Taehyung feels tears in his eyes, watching his mate struggle in Yoongi's hold. Jeongguk's eyes are turning red, fangs bared. He gasps softly. 

"It's nothing. He is just at his primal instinct right now. He'll be better in no time—" Yoongi pauses when Jeongguk almost gets free but he holds him back in time before the latter can jump on Taehyung. "Goddamn! Jeongguk, stay still. Get a hold of yourself. You can't just act like a reckless werewolf." 

Chan watches from the door, silently observing the situation.  

"Hyung….." Taehyung sobs, scared and worried for his mate. "Tae, go outside. If you stay here any longer, he will attack you. Go." Yoongi orders. 

Taehyung hesitates but when Jeongguk bares his sharp fangs at him with those hungry eyes, he leaves the room immediately. 

Jeongguk tries to follow him. "Blood." He growls but Yoongi restrains his movements forcefully. 

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